Astor Soft Sensation Lipcolor Butter Collection – Review and swatches

If you are a regular follower around here, you will know that red lipstick have a special place in my heart.

And that I like makeup in stick form.


Astor Soft Sensation Lipcolor Butter Collection


So it comes to no surprise that one of my favorite lip products is a red lip crayon by Astor, called Va Va Voum. It is part of the Soft Sensation Lipcolor Butter line, and that line recently received a few new additions.


So now there are 25 lip colors, matte, vibrant, sheer, something for every taste and skin tone. And to celebrate that launch, Astor put all the colors in one big box, a treasure chest of lipstick goodness.

In the following video I will share my thoughts on the different version as well as lip swatches of all 25 colors, and if you stay tuned till the end, you will not only see Va Va Voum applied, but learn how to win that box all for yourself!


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This box was sent to me as a PR sample. All opinions are honest and my own.
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