Best of Beauty 2018 – My skincare and makeup favorites

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When I wrote my post on „How to accept failure“, I got a ton of lovely comments telling me to focus on all the things I had achieved in 2018 instead of dwelling on what hadn´t worked as planned.


Best of Beauty 2018
Best of Beauty 2018


Great advice indeed, so let´s put things into perspective and see what amazing new beauty items I discovered in 2018 because of blogging. I mean, would I really slather so much stuff on my face, constantly switching to the newest skincare item if it weren’t for the sake of writing reviews on here? I don’t think I would.

As it is the nature of this blog, you will find much more skincare items on the list than you will find makeup, for several reasons, and I will talk you through all of them in the video below, which (as always) I recommend you watch on You Tube and in HD.



But why are there always more skincare products in my favorites? Is makeup dead to me? Of course not!

Firstly, I do test a ton of skincare, so the chance of me discovering a stand out product are higher. And as someone that has been on a low buy for over two years now, I purchase more skincare than makeup simply because I finish more skincare than makeup.

I can´t remember the last time I actually used up a lipstick (not counting the one my son smeared all over the bathroom tiles the other day *sigh*)


Shop my skincare favorites

And secondly, I am pretty set in my makeup preferences, so it takes a lot to actually become a standout product for me in this category. See, I have been repurchasing the same liquid liner for years now (this one), I have more blushes than I will probably ever finish, let alone more lipsticks than any sane person – I just don´t buy much more.

With a few obvious exceptions that is, like mascara, concealer and foundation.  I wear those three every day, so naturally I finish a few of them and get to test new ones. Still, I am so fickle with all of them it is near to impossible to find many favorites in this category.


Shop my makeup favorites

How was 2018 for you in terms of beauty discoveries?


Best in Beauty 2018
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