Big love – My jumbo lip pencils

It is no secret that I love red lips.
I recently tried to do a roundup for a „Collection“ post on all the reds I owned, but (don’t judge!) there was just no way I could have fit them all on one picture.

So two things happened:
I put myself on a red lip-whatever spending ban.
No exceptions this time.
I will apply a strict „Two out, One in“-rule, even though it will hurt.

L to R: Astor „VaVaVoum“, Revlon „Striking“,  P2 „Burning Red“, Clinique „Mega Melon“

And I decided to split them up and do a separate post for each subcategory: Lipstick, Lipgloss and, today:

Jumbo Lip Pencils.

Swatches left to right: Astor „VaVaVoum“, Revlon „Striking“, P2 „Burning Red“, Clinique „Mega Melon“

1. Astor Soft Sensation Lip Color Butter in „VaVaVoum“
Aptly named, the color goes on creamy and opaque, drawing attention to your lips.
I love how easy it is to apply (can almost be done without a mirror) and how soft it makes my lips feel, but the creaminess comes with a lack of longevity and a tendency to transfer to your mug/glass/husbands cheek.

Astor „VaVaVoum“

In case you wondered why mine looks so strange, Little Bean approved the color by biting a big piece out of it. At first glance I thought she had bit her tongue and was bleeding.
When applied, the color is a warm, deep red with a tendency to make your teeth look yellow.

Astor „VaVaVoom“, Ostsee 2014

2. Revlon Colorburst Matte Balm in „Striking“
One of my splurge on Revlon cosmetics back when we visited New Zealand in January this year.
Because you still can´t get Revlon in Germany, you know? Shame!

Revlon „Striking“

Despite being marketed as a matte balm, I can see a subtle sheen when applied. More balm than matte on my lips!
Not drying, but not nourishing either and with a tendency to cling to dry patches, so make sure to moisturize your lips well before you wear it.
It stays put for several hours, doesn’t transfer too much and leaves a pretty stain when fading.
This one is a true red, maybe slightly on the warmer side (can you sense a theme here?) and smells of mint, although I don’t notice any plumping effect or tingling when applied.

Revlon „Striking“

3. P2  True explosion lipstick pencil in „Burning Red“
An impulse buy a few years ago, when we decided spontaneously that I would stay at Mr. Locas over night for the first time and I had no makeup with me. So I said I´d go out and get some candles and quickly grabbed a mascara, some powder and this lip crayon on my way.
Please tell me I am not the only one who would do this?

P2 „Burning Red“

Again a warm red, creamy and not at all drying, but seriously a pain to wear. It never settles, it transfers everywhere and if I drink or touch my face I´ll end up with nothing on my lips, but red streaks on my chin or cheeks.
So why do I still own it? Because I love the color and the subtle sheen it has. And because I love the memories it brings to mind.
So I go through the whole process of blotting, lip pencil and checking the mirror every five minutes just for the sake of wearing it.

P2 „Burning Red“ on my lips

4. Clinique Chubby Stick for lips in „Mega Melon“
This one is a little cheat.
It isn’t a red in the classic way, and it is way sheerer than the ones mentioned above, but I love it and wouldn’t have known where else to fit it, so here it is.

Clinique „Mega Melon“

I grab this one whenever I want a moisturizing, fuzz-free MLBB-color, usually for work. It is worn down to a little stump and I will be very, very sad when it is gone.
No transferring, but no longevity, so I have to reapply every two or three hours. That way my lips stay moisturized, so I don’t mind.
You have seen me wear it before here:

Wearing Clinique „Mega Melon“ on my lips

Do you own any lip crayons?
And is there one makeup product you just keep on buying?


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