Viewing posts in: Lifestyle

Emile Cordon Classic Lip Balms – Pure Indulgence | Doctors Review

ADVERTISEMENT INFO:  PRODUCTS MENTIONED ARE PR (GIFTED) AND LINKS USED ARE AFFILIATE LINKS. I RECEIVED NO MONEY TO WRITE THE BLOGPOST. PLEASE READ DISCLAIMER   I went to New York City for the first time a while ago and boy was I impressed! I only knew it from movies (and yes, we stopped by the Friends and the SATC house!), but you can’t really grasp the uniqueness and energy from TV or books alone. Now I am not going to bore you with my memories here (The tall building! The…

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Symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency – Is your SPF to blame? | Ask Doctor Anne

I am a firm advocate of wearing high protection broad spectrum sunscreen every single day of the year, and one of the main arguments people confront me with when this topic comes up is: But what about my Vitamin D levels? Will I get Vitamin D deficiency? How will I know if I am Vitamin D deficient, which symptoms do I need to look out for? And so on and so forth.     Well let’s talk about all that and why sunscreen is probably the least thing you need…

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Grey hair with age – Why it happens and how it affects us | Well-Aging with Doctor Anne

ADVERTISEMENT INFO: NO PRODUCTS ARE DISCUSSED IN THIS BLOGPOST, BUT LINKS USED ARE AFFILIATE LINKS. I RECEIVED NO MONEY TO WRITE THE BLOGPOST. PLEASE READ DISCLAIMER   I went to my 25 years Abitur Treffen, roughly translated to High School Reunion, a few weeks back and one of the topics that popped up was: “Are you going grey already and if you do, do you color your hair?”     I mean, these kinds of meet-ups inspire a lot of random conversations, but with all of us being in our…

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Attitude and ageism – challenging my beliefs | Well Aging with Doctor Anne

Aging is a privilege – I bet we all have heard that at one point in our lives. And it is true! As someone whose sister died when she was only 22, I cherish every year that I get to live – come next year I will turn 44 and will have lived twice as long as my sister ever will.     But while I appreciate living longer, I do struggle with getting older sometimes. Not with the birthday per se, any reason to be celebrated, but with the…

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Is it harder to build a habit as we age? | Well-Aging with Doctor Anne

You might remember that I took up meditation in January, aiming for a 30 day period of daily meditation to see if I found it to impact my general well being. (More info: The effects of meditation on well-aging)   This is not a video about meditation though, no, it is about how freaking difficult it was to stick to that, and about the question: Is it getting harder to form a new habit as we age? Because I don’t know about you, but I find that the older I…

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The effects of meditation on well aging | Doctor Anne

Meditation has long been part of different movements that focus on wellness and wellbeing in general, and has even longer been integral part of different religious practices. So it comes as no surprise that over the last years, as studies suggested measurable benefits for overall health, meditation became something like the mindful magic bullet helping to cure everything from anxiety to aging.     But is there actually more to it than hyped up expectations? Is meditation helpful in aging well and is it something you – and I –…

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What are the main problems for well aging? | Well aging with Doctor Anne

If we talk about well aging, we need to define what that actually means. And while this definition will be slightly different for everyone, there are a few key components that are part of the aging process that we all need to be aware of. (More info: Recent realizations about the importance of well aging)     After all aging happens to all of us every day, it isn’t that we have a choice. So which main problems do we face while aging? Despite my love for skincare, I am…

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Angular Cheilitis – when the corners of your mouth are painful and sore | Ask Doctor Anne

A few weeks ago, suddenly out of nowhere, the right corner of my mouth started to hurt. It was cracked, sore, painful – I had Angular cheilitis or stomatitis angularis or perleche or however you want to call it. Wow, that did hurt whenever I tried to open my mouth wide enough to eat or speak.   As this is something I had to deal with quite often when I started Tretinoin (it is associated with strong retinoids and especially Accutane), I figured I’d use this as a reminder to…

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Setting goals for well aging – Here is who inspires me! | Doctor Anne

After releasing my blog post on the pillars of well-aging, talking about all the other things rather than skin care that I want to explore in order to age healthy, I was hit hard in the face by the reality of returning to my day job during what feels like the 300th wave of the pandemic. (More info: How living through 2020 has changed me) And I knew myself well enough to realize that if I didn’t take drastic measures to keep me on track, I would end up hunched…

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New (or old?) realizations about the importance of well aging | Doctor Anne

If you had told me beforehand that I would gain important insights on well-aging on my latest trip and would feel compelled to share them with you on here, I would not have believed you. You might have seen that a little while ago my husband and I went on a mini-break without the children. One week just the two of us, in an all-inclusive hotel in sunny Tenerife. (More info: My in-flight travel skincare routine) All inclusive is not something we have ever done before as a couple, mainly…

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