Cheating yourself – Revlon Lipsticks

Grabbing a cup of tea and catching up on my bloglovin roll is my preferred way to unwind after a day of work.

I love reading about new products, and if I wouldn´t impose a strict: „No buying while reading“-rule, I would end up with a fair amount of them ordered every night.

A few weeks ago, Jaa from „HelloJaa“ (If you don’t follow her already, go check her out. Her pictures are art!) shared her Wishlist for March 2015.
In the comments we got chatting, and I proudly told about my above mentioned rule, claiming it made me forget most of the products I read about, saving me a lot of money in the long run.

But then, looking at my recent New Zealand purchases, I realized I have been cheating myself for quite some time now.

I use Pinterest.

And on my „Beauty Wishlist“ board, where I pin everything I don’t buy instantly, had been sitting one of Revlons Lipsticks for almost two years now.

From left to right: „Cherries in the Snow“, „Really Red“, „Kissable Pink“

Meet „Cherries in the Snow“. And his brothers I may have picked up when I was at the counter.

As I have mourned countless times before, Revlon isn’t sold in Germany, so I will provide you with the prices in $.

What Revlon says:
„Super Lustrous“ creates unforgettably seductive lip color in four finishes – crème, matte, pearl and shine – and is available in 82 vibrant shades.

As mentioned above there are 82 shades to choose from, retailing for around 8 $ online.

Out of the four mentioned finishes I own three, and I have to say they are quite different in coverage, wear-time and comfort.

Revlon „Cherries in the Snow“

„Cherries in the Snow“ (Crème):
This is a blue based red with a slight fuchsia tint, and a crème finish. It applies smoothly, has no tendency to move into my lip lines and stays put for four hours through drinking and minor snacking. After this time you are still left with a pretty, but less vibrant stain on your lips.
I find this to be neither drying nor moisturizing.

Revlon „Really Red“

„Really Red“ (Matte):
Just what it says: A true red, slightly on the warmer side. Application and wear time are similar to „Cherries in the Snow“, but I find this one to be a little more drying.
Although it says matte, it isn’t totally matte on my lips.

Revlon „Kissable Pink“

„Kissable Pink“ (Shine):
A blue-toned pink with shimmer particles in the tub that don’t transfer to the lip. On my pigmented lips, this just gives a pink tint while adding a lot of shine.
It applies as well as the others, but fades much more quickly on me, I need to touch up after about two hours/ after snacking or drinking.

Would I rebuy?
If only Revlon was sold here…

Who would I recommend it to?
These are pretty, affordable lipsticks, and with 82 colors there should be one for everybody.
Just keep in mind that there are slight differences regarding the performance.

Do you own any Revlon lipsticks?
And when was the last time you caught yourself cheating?

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