End of February I got sent the Current Body Skin LED Light Therapy Mask (329 € for the face mask, bundles with skincare and even a Foreo available on the website here) and I immediately put it to the test. You see, I had been toying with the idea of purchasing one for a while, I am in my mid 40s and do see changes in my skin I know won’t be stopped with skincare alone, but so far never seen the purchase decision through, as it is kind of an investment to make.

With that decision out of my hands, I did film a before clip of my skin and committed to using it every other night starting March 7th up until May 7th when I did film the after.
Which changes did I see, how did using the mask feel and do I recommend you get one yourself?
If you are interested in the data behind LED therapy and what to look for in a mask I highly recommend you read my blogpost on the evidence of at home LED devices for skin rejuvenation first as it will make the things I talk about today easier to understand.

Current Body Skin LED Light Therapy Mask – the stats
The Current Body Skin LED Light Therapy Mask uses two different wavelengths, 633 nm from the red light spectrum and 830 nm from the near infrared light spectrum. Just as a quick recap, these are the wavelengths that have shown results for collagen production, reduction of inflammation and pain reduction.
It does NOT use any blue light wavelengths, which is why I am a little surprised to see they claim improvement in light acne – usually blue light at 415 nm wavelength is used for that. My guess is that they refer to the reduced inflammation.
I personally am not mad they do not use blue light, as this is the wavelength most often associated with increased hyperpigmentation, but if you are looking for a mask to specifically support your acne journey, you might be better off with another one.
The irradiance, meaning the power the mask has, is at 30 mW/cm2 – again, quick repetition, 40 – 150 was the irradiance that yielded good results in studies, but you usually don’t get that much in at home devices.
The mask is flexible, which means it can be adapted to your face, and sits pretty snug with the exception of the area around the chin. The fact that it has but one strap means that for it to sit closely there I need to use my hand to press it down. A minor inconvenience, but one to consider if you want to have both hands free for doing stuff. The flexible fit meant I could easily wrap it around my neck or place it on my Décolleté for a treatment there – Current Body Skin LED offer devices for these areas too, but that way you can use one to target all three.

How to use the Current Body Skin LED Light Therapy Mask
LED masks in general should be used on cleansed skin, so they don’t react with skincare you applied, and they can be used any time during the day. As you don’t get immediate results as you for example get with your microcurrent devices, my preferred way of using it was at night after cleansing and before I did the rest of my routine, but whatever fits your schedule is fine.
The mask has one button with which you can turn it on and off, and it automatically switches off after ten minutes. You can restart it immediately though and I got around 25 uses out of one charge.
LED Light therapy at the wavelengths used here does not increase the skins photosensitivity, and you can use your AHAs and your retinoids like you normally would. That might not be true for other wavelengths used though, especially if you go into the blue light sector.
For optimal results you should ensure a close fit, so you put the mask on your face and tighten the strap in the back. I didn’t find the Current Body Skin one to be perfect in terms of fitting, I both had issues with it not sitting close enough in the chin area and with the strap and consecutively the mask traveling up and down if I got up and started moving around.
According to the instruction manual no eye protection is needed, but high energy red and infrared light has the potential to damage the eyes through overheating, so even if this mask is certified safe due to the lower energy, you can obviously wear protective gear.

Skincare that came with the Current Body Skin LED Light Therapy Mask
I mentioned before that the mask should be worn on clean skin and not on top of “actives”, but there are some skincare ingredients that are safe to use with LED masks, namely Hyaluronic Acid, Green Tea Extract and Niacinamide. (More info: The benefits of Hyaluronic Acid in skincare and The benefits of Niacinamide in skincare) Current Body Skin offers a skincare bundle to go with the mask and very kindly sent me their Hyaluronic Acid Serum, their Green Tea Serum and their Hydrogel Face Masks. I tried all of them with the mask, but have to admit I am not the biggest fan of the serums – they are perfectly fine Hyaluronic Acid and Green Tea Serums, but I didn’t like their texture nor their fragrance much.
The Hydrogel Face mask is a two piece mask, which ensures a good fit, but other than that nothing special, so most of the time I just used the LED mask and nothing else.
My results with the Current Body Skin LED Light Therapy Mask
Now for the results part, the before and after, the thing you have been waiting for.
Side by side, in natural light, the before on top and the after below. As you can see, you don’t see drastic changes, and that wasn’t to be expected. While the website promises a 35% reduction in wrinkles in only 4 weeks – it is unclear if they refer to wrinkle depth or wrinkle count here – I am unsure if I would notice with the bare eye if my wrinkles are 35% less deep, as far as I imagine that isn’t a really visible result. My most noticeable wrinkles are around my eyes, I like to think they come from that fact that I laugh so much – insert maior eye roll from my husband, who claims I am the most serious person on earth and never EVER laugh – and to me they look about the same as they did in March.
What I do notice though, and what you might be able to sense in the videos, is that I have less overall redness and that my skin feels plumper and firmer, and that I in general look into the mirror each morning and feel like my skin just looks better. I also had less breakouts and if I had them, they seemed to heal quicker, which is also a bonus.
Now I don’t say that this is only because of the mask – we have transitioned from early spring to end of spring, I might have slept better, or eaten better, I kept using my skincare, for all I know I might just be imagining things because I want to get results because I am DOING something.
(More info: Does your diet affect your skin?)
Final verdict
I still stand by what I said in my previous video: LED masks are not a necessary investment, there isn’t enough convincing data regarding the effectiveness of at home devices and it is far more important to get your basics right – sunscreen, antioxidants, retinoids. But, and here comes my totally personal and anecdotal experience with the Current Body Skin LED Light Therapy Mask: I adore it, I am convinced it has noticeable effects on my skin and if I had known that my skin would look and feel that way, I would have purchased one long ago. I say that fully aware that I am in the privileged situation to be able to just shell out 329 € on a skincare device, and I want to stress again that this is absolutely NOT needed for a well balanced skincare routine, but if you have a big birthday coming up, or somehow have money to spend, but no idea on what or if you just like scaring your loved ones – the Current Body Skin LED Light Therapy Mask is one that I recommend.

Shop this or similar masks
Use the code DRANNECB for 50$ off on the Current Body Skin website (works both on the US and the German website)
Don’t forget to check out the Discount Code Page on top if you want to save some money on your next skincare purchase, or click here to let me build a personalized skincare routine for you.
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