Driving home for Christmas and my 28 weeks bump update

I am writing this sitting at my parents house, back against the mantle of the fireplace, my laptop on the table that used to hold my latin books and my tea pot. My daughter is laughing while she plays with her grandparents in the next room and my sisters are about to arrive any time.

I must have spend countless hours here...
I must have spend countless hours here…

Christmas has always been the time of year where we all meet back here, joined by aunts, uncles, cousins and family friends on the 25th or 26th. And while it has been that way ever since I moved out at the age of 19, family has become even more important to me once I had my daughter.

But even if I could ramble on and on about family and get all emotional (it is almost Christmas after all), this is not going to be a soppy post.

I have some big news to share with you guys, and they needed that little introduction.

About two months ago, we finally made the plunge and bought a house.

But not just any house.

We bought my parents house, or at least a part of it.

Now let me explain: We have always been a big family. Four children, a cat, a dog. So we had a big house. A pretty, but also very old big house. And one after the other, we moved out. The dog died. The cat died.

So it was a big old house where only my parents lived. My parents lead a very active life, they like to travel the world, go out a lot, but taking care of a big old house takes up time. And to be honest, if it wasn´t for Christmas with all of us returning home, the house was a little empty.

Fast forward a few years to February 2015. my daughter was born. She came earlier than expected, my husband couldn’t take days off at work and I was anxious to be home alone with a newborn at first. So my mother drove up and stayed with me for the first week, taking care of me and sleeping on our couch (we live in a flat, no guest room).

From that day, I found myself spending a lot of time at my parents, and when Little Bean grew older and I went back to work, my parents were a huge help in balancing my husbands and my crazy working schedule that included night shifts and weekends. Only problem: It is a 1.5 hours drive one way between our homes.

On top of all that, me, who never thought she´d be able to settle down in one place, began craving a home. Not a rented flat, all fancy and modern, but a home. A place filled with memories, a place with history, a place like the one I grew up in. I craved that for me and for my children.

Okay, things are getting soppy, so I will stop rambling here.

I am 36 years old. I am a mother. I am moving back in with my parents.

And I am pretty excited about that!

Now before you all start to worry: The whole thing was my husbands idea! He is completely on board and will, of course, move with us. The complete Loca family is going there.

And yes, we have talked everything through, it is all planned down to the notch. We will have some shared space and some individual space for each part of the family, with privacy maintained.

I will have someone to look after the children when I have to be somewhere, some one I know will raise them the way I would.

My parents will have someone to take care of the house (and the cat, because there is a new one) when they are away.

My children will get to see their grandparents and aunties as much as possible.

And the house will be what it was before: A place for the whole family to meet, at Christmas and all year round!


I even tied a bow on top of the belly, because it is almost Christmas.
I even tied a bow on top of the belly, because it is almost Christmas. Can you tell I am not very good at wrapping presents?

The 28 weeks Bump Update

Back pain, pain in the symphysis (the front part of the pelvis) when walking and explosive weight gain are what have accompanied me throughout the last weeks. But all in moderation.

On a positive note, I am no longer on modified bed rest, so I am allowed to exercise again. Given that I am in my third trimester now, I just did some pregnancy yoga so far. I am about as flexible as an old tree…

Peanut is growing and kicking, all healthy and happy as far as I can tell. He hasn’t settled into „birthing position“ yet, but there is still plenty of time.


Thank you for sticking with me through this personal update!

Are you going to see the family for the Holidays?

And do you live for rent or in your own place?


Of course I am taking pictures of the whole process, so I can update you when the move is done, which won’t be until summer 2016.


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