Favorite products 2015 Part I – Skincare, hair care, body care

It is the final days of 2015, a time spend on reflecting and looking back, so I figured I´d share my musings with you and show you my favorite products of 2015.

To help you decide what you want to watch, I divided it into two videos: One featuring skin-, hair and body care and one talking all things makeup. That way I was able to keep them short(er) as well, which is always a bonus.

Favorite skincare products 2015
Favorite skincare products 2015

Today we are covering skin- hair and body care, makeup will be up on the 3rd of January.

So without further ado, here is the first video. I hope you enjoy!

Skin-, hair and body care


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Products mentioned:

  • Clinique take the day off cleansing balm (Review here)
  • Sunday Riley Ceramic Slip Cleanser (Review here)
  • Sunday Riley Good Genes (Review here)
  • La Roche Posay Serozinc (Review here)
  • Estée Lauder Advanced Night Repair Recovery Complex II (Review here)
  • REN Glycolactic Face Radiance Renewal Face Mask (Review here)
  • The Body Shop Body Butter „Shea Butter“
  • OGX Hair Care
  • MIO Firming Body Brush (Buy here)


What have you been loving for your skin in 2015? I am always looking for new stuff to try…

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