First Impressions KIKO and pixi makeup

Do you remember the „Bag of Empties“ I showed you in a recent video? I have a similar one filled with new makeup goodies that I wanted to try on camera. It takes a lot of self-control not to just rip them open once I have them, but I really want to be more mindful about the things I own and use, so I made myself wait.


First Impressions KIKO and pixi makeup


Until today: Time to dig into some fresh stuff. Live and on camera! KIKO is a brand I had on my mind quite some time already, and despite owning a few bits, I did not feel ready to form an opinion on the brand.

And we all know, having a proper opinion on a makeup brand is quite important.

pixi on the other hand is a brand that I have worked with before, and while I am excited by their skincare, the makeup I tried was nice, but not mind-blowing. And nice is never enough in this world of competitive makeup.

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Now you can go along and watch me slather everything on my face for the real First Impressions, which of course I highly recommend, but if you simply can´t watch me right now I will share my thoughts with you below.



pixi by petra Flawless and Poreless primer

pixi by petra Poreless & Flawless Primer* (24 £ here)

I only started using primers recently, when my skin got dehydrated and my foundation started to settle int my pores after two hours weartime. This is the second primer I tried, so I am by no means an expert, but I love it. It keeps my t-zone matte throughout the whole day, my pores foundation-free, all while feeling lightweight and smooth on my skin. That one went straight into my makeup bag.



KIKO Color Corretion Concelaer Wheel

KIKO Color Correction Concealer Wheel (13,95 € here)

You can see how long this one has been sitting in my box by clicking the link above. The wheel is now a spare and called palette, but the colors still are the same. I admit that I once tried a green stick for my face and it looked horrible, so I was a little hesitant to apply the bright colors to my face. But I shouldn´t have been, because once on my skin they blended really good, leaving half of my face looking even and radiant. Of course I still prefer my Bobbi Brown Corrector for my dark circles and will probably never do color correction on a daily basis, but I have reached for the palette a few times already since filming this video and really enjoy the effect.



pixi by petra Sheer Cheek Gel Flushed

pixi by petra Sheer Cheek Gel* in Flushed (14 £ here)

Now that is one aptly named product, because despite looking crazy dark in the tube, it leaves a flush on my cheeks that looks completely natural and lasts all day. I prefer to apply it with my fingers, with a brush it seems to get patchy more easily, but once it is put, it is put and you need a makeup remover to get rid of it. There is no stickiness, just a wash of color that feels like nothing on the cheeks. The only downside is: I am not sure how well it would show up on darker complexions. But if you are on the fairer side like me, you will love it!



KIKO Long Lasting Stick Eyeshadow

KIKO Long Lasting Stick Eyeshadow (6,99 € here)

Both look a little used because I bought them in a blog sale, but for me it was first use. The color I have, 06 Golden Brown and 07 Golden Beige, are usually my makeup crack, but these two are a tad bit shimmery for my taste. Especially 07 Golden Beige is not my favorite to wear all over the lid, I only ever apply it to the inner corner, and while they do last without migration for 8 hours+, the color starts to fade after the 6 hour mark, making the sparkle even more obvious. Now I have quite a collection of eyeshadow sticks, so I am a bit of a snob there, but they are not among my favorites.



KIKO Color-Up Long Lasting Eyeshadow

KIKO Color-Up Long Lasting Eyeshadow (similar here)

Now these three are Limited Edition, but there seem to be similar ones on the website right now. Despite having basically the same name, they do look and wear way different than the ones mentioned above. Chubbier and heavier they are intensely pigmented, very true to color as you can see in the swatches below and stay put. You could probably sleep in them and wake up  with your liner still in place. All three colors I own are very bold, so I don´t reach for them on a daily basis, but if I want a dramatic, long lasting eye, they are set.

KIKO Color-Up Long Lasting Eyeshadow Swatches



My final verdict? This time, the pixi products wowed me, and KIKO seems to be a brand where real gems are among good basics, all at a budget price. Great thing that they opened a store in my hometown recently…

Quite a long post, so congrats if you made it to the very end! Do you already have a set opinion on pixi and KIKO?


All products with the exception of those marked with an (*) were purchased with my own money and all opinions are honest and my own. Some links used above may be affiliate links.
This is not a sponsored blogpost.
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