From my Makeup Emergency Kit – IsaDora Velver Touch Compact Powder

After spending one year in immediate reach of my vanity, carrying makeup in my handbag kind of lost its purpose.
But after two days back at work, being out and about all day, the emptiness in my handbag became a problem. I needed something to touch up with!

About time to put together my Makeup Emergency Kit…
First on my list: A powder.
Small, sturdy, mattifying, preferable with a hint of color and a mirror.
Of course, I owned nothing that ticked all the boxes, so I had to go get something new.

IsaDora Velvet Touch Compact Powder (Sample size)

Meet IsaDora Velvet Touch Compact Powder in Soft Mist.

IsaDora is a brand I have known for ages, but never really paid much attention to. You can get it at „Douglas“ and I somehow figured it was their own brand, given I had never heard people talk about it and the prices were quite low.
But I was wrong.
IsaDora is a Swedish brand, trying to combine quality ingredients and low prices and is widely available. Everything is perfume-free and not tested on animals.
Sounds great, hm?
About time I featured something here on my blog

What IsaDora claims:
Powder Compact for a matte, velvet and fresh complexion. Semi-transparent, ideal for touching up makeup, blurs out fine lines and wrinkles, suited for all skin types.

IsaDora Velvet Touch Powder Compact in „Soft Mist“

The black packaging looks sleek, it closes firmly and has a mirror inside the lid.
As most of these powders do, it comes with a little powder puff. I always throw them out and use my Kabuki, so I can’t give you further information about that one.
I got a sample size containing 5 g (18 oz) of product, but usually the Compact contains 10g (36 oz) and retails for around 17,99 € here.

You can get a translucent version as well as seven different shades, but as the powder provides very little coverage, exact matching isn’t necessary.

See for yourself:
1. No Foundation, Eyes and Lips done:

Bare face, just Eyes and Lips done.

2. IsaDora Velvet Touch Compact Powder in „Soft Mist“ all over my face.

Just IsaDora Velvet Touch Compact Powder, no Concealer.

Favorable ingredients:
– Vitamin C
– Antioxidants

Unfavorable Ingredients:
– Silicones
– Parabens

It contains Talc and Silica, so bare that in mind if any of these break you out.

As far as SPF goes, I am not sure.
The „Douglas“ website claims that the product provides SPF 20, but the Isadora homepage mentions SPF 20 only for the „Ultra Cover Compact Powder“. As far as the ingredient list goes, the powder contains a little Titanium Dioxide, but I would stick with the manufacturers and claim: No SPF.

Does it live up to its claims?
It definitely is on the lighter side of semi-transparent, and you are not able to cover up skin issues with it, but it gives a matte finish, works well over foundation and is neither drying nor moisturizing. As far as the „Blur-Effect“ goes… Judge yourself by comparing the pictures above.
I think I look a little better rested when using this one on its own, but I am afraid nothing can make me look like I am 16 again. (Not that I would want that, to be honest.)

Will I rebuy?
I really like the product, it is perfect for carrying in my handbag and even with daily use I have barely If curiosity doesn’t take over and I decide to try something new, that is.

Who do I recommend it to?

Anyone looking for a mattifying powder.
Yes, there are cheaper alternatives out there, and some of them will work just as good. But I like that it is not tested on animals, fragrance free and doesn’t contain any nasties (I have no problem with Parabens), so I think it is well worth the money.
Have you ever tried anything from IsaDora before?
Are there brands that just seem to get neglected whenever you visit stores?
And what is a must-have in your Makeup Emergency Kit?
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