Indie Lee Blemish Lotion – Marriage

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Being a married couple comes with changes in a relationship. Gone are the days when I focussed on freshly shaved legs and fluttery lashes even for a Sunday morning breakfast in bed.

My husband has seen my at my best, but has also seen me at my worst. After giving birth for example, or when I had a bad case of vomiting. Even worse, when the kids were vomiting and I was puked on head to toe. Ah, momlife…


Indie Lee Blemish Lotion
Indie Lee Blemish Lotion


How much the way I present myself has changed though didn´t occur to me until recently. When it was time to turn off the lights Mr. Loca looked at me in slight disbelief and asked: „Are you planning to go to sleep like that?“ – I nodded, he sighed and we went to sleep.

It wasn´t until the next morning that I realized that I had dots from the Indie Lee Blemish Solution all over my face…


What Indie Lee claims

Help combat breakouts and reduce the appearance of redness, irritation and minor skin eruptions with this talc-free overnight drying lotion. Colloidal Sulfur and Salicylic Acid work in synergy to draw out impurities, reduce the appearance of excess oil and clarify, while Zinc Oxide soothes and calms the skin.


Indie Lee Blemish Lotion
Indie Lee Blemish Lotion



Prize and size

One glass bottle contains 30 ml and retails for 26 $ here or 24,50 £ here. You will need extra cotton swabs get the lotion out of the bottle and onto your face.


Texture and smell

Although way prettier in color, the lotion does NOT need to be shaken up before usage, instead you need the two phases to be separated. When opening, you can definitely smell the alcohol, but once on the face there is no scent left.


Application and effects

When applied on your face you smell the alcohol, maybe notice a slight tingle and afterwards pretty much forget you have something on your skin. The lotion dries down to a white paste that stays put surprisingly well throughout the night.

I applied it both to deep, cystic spots and on whiteheads. There is a chance that a whitehead will be gone overnight, while a cystic spot will be reduced significantly in size, but might take a few applictaions to disappear. As the ingredient list might suggest, it can be drying when used repeatedly, so don´t use it to larger areas of the face.



Favorable ingredients
  • Colloidal Sulfur: anti-bacterial, purifying
  • Zinc Oxide: antiinflammatory, soothing
  • Salicylic Acid: BHA, exfoliates inside pores, great for oily skin
  • Magnesium: antiinflammatory, soothing
  • Aluminium Silicate (Clay): Purifying, absorbs excess oil
Other ingredients
  • Iron Oxide: Coloring
Unfavorable Ingredients
  • Alcohol: Desinfectant, antibacterial; drying
  • Camphor: Cooling, potential irritant


To be honest, the separation between favorable and unfavorable ingredients was a little difficult in this one. Alcohol and camphor, both listed under unfavorable, do have their place in acne treatments (and you don’t get much of the alcohol anyway, as it stays separated). They can be irritating though, so where do I place them? I guess I should wrap it up by saying that the Indie Lee Blemish Lotion contains everything needed to zap a zit, but is probably not the best option for sensitive skins.


Does it live up to its claims?


It contains both ingredients to draw out impurities and to soothe inflammation.


Would I repurchase?


It is the first acne treatment of this kind I have tried, so I won´t rule out trying others just for the sake of it, but if I weren´t a beauty blogger, I´d probably stick with this one.


Who do I recommend it to?

People with breakouts that last longer than a day.

You probably don´t need to buy it if you suffer from the occasional spot once a month, but if zits are a regular companion, I think it is worth having in your stash.


Indie Lee Blemish Lotion
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