Maysama Prana LED Light Therapy Mask – Is pulsed light better? | Doctors Review


It is no secret that I am loyal to my LED masks as part of my skincare regime, and judging from the few I have tried so far, the first one I got already was one of the best on the market. So to make me stray from it for more than a few weeks would need something special. Meet the Maysama Prana LED Light Therapy Mask, that not only offers what I had come to love – red and near infrared light – but also the option to use this light as pulsed light option.


The Maysama Prana Pulsed LED Light Therapy Mask with a bottle of Green Rooibos Pressed Serum lying on a marbled surface. The mask is light brown and has several small Maysama logos in white on it.
Maysama Prana Pulsed LED Light Therapy Mask with Green Rooibos Pressed Serum


What the benefits of pulsed light are supposed to be, what else you can expect from the mask and if it will earn a permanent place in my routine after three months of testing it exclusively, all that will be answered in todays review!



What the Maysama Prana LED Light Therapy Mask claims

As the name  PRANA suggests, Maysama PRANA LED Light Therapy Mask uses pulsed light technology to help ‚breathe‘ skincare ingredients into your skin, to increase the bioavailability of active ingredients and increase the efficacy of your skincare.


Facts about the Maysama Prana LED Light Therapy Mask

Prize and size

One mask, charger included, is available for 349,95 € on the website here. You can also get a bundle including the Green Rooibos Pressed Serum for 387,95 € – the serum alone is available for 53, 36 € on the website here.

The brand website contains a small study done on 16 women between the ages of 29 and 63 used the LED panel (not the mask) for ten minutes a day with the Rooibos Serum applied to one half of the face. After 3 months the side with the serum applied showed more benefits than the side with LED therapy only, but I can’t say if that difference was significant or what base line/ lifestyle or other products were used by those women, only that they had never used LED therapy before.


Maysama Prana Pulsed LED Light Therapy Mask with conductor and eye protection
The mask comes with protective eye goggles, recommended when you use the blue light option


Stats of the Maysama Prana LED Light Therapy Mask

We have discussed the ideal parameters to look for in LED masks in depth in this post here, so how does the Maysama mask hold up?

It features 138 LEDs and uses 4 different wavelengths: 630 and 660 nm for red light, 850 nm for near infrared and 450 nm for blue light. The wavelengths can be picked individually as red only, red+ near infrared and magenta, which is red and blue mixed. That is great for me that only uses the red and near infrared option.

Looking at what is deemed ideal that would be red at 633 nm (but anything between 630 and 660 is fine), near infrared at 830 nm (or between 820 and 840) and blue light at 415 nm, with wavelengths of blue above that sometimes showing adverse effects. In summary, both red and near infrared aren’t spot on, but very good, with blue light being a little off.


Close up of the lamps of the Maysama Prana LED Light Therapy Mask with the red light turned on
Red light only



The lamps of the Maysama Prana LED Light Therapy Mask with red and blue turned on, which is the magenta setting
Red and blue light when the magenta setting is picked



The irradiance for red/ near infrared is at 40-45 mw/cm2, with anything around 55 mw/cm2 being used in the studies done on in office devices. You don’t get more than 50 mw/cm2 in at home devices, meaning that between 35 and 50 is what you should aim for. Here the mask sits right were it is supposed to be and is one of the stronger ones on the market.

It is worth noting that the mask also covers the mouth area completely, which isn’t something you usually see. Most masks have an opening there, similar to sheet masks. It is certainly a good way to make sure the area around the mouth with any lip lines and crepey skin that would appear there is covered in treated. If you can go 9 minutes without being able to snack or drink is a question you need to answer yourself though, I am not ashamed to admit that I struggled with that occasionally…


Maysama Prana LED Light Therapy Mask with lights turned off
This is how the lamp look when turned off


Pulsed Light benefits and data

Now what about the benefits of the Pulsed Light the mask offers that makes it stand out among other offers?

Maysama claims it has several benefits and one of them is that it makes skincare ingredients absorb better into the skin. The theory behind that is based on the work of Andrei P Sommer, a researcher based in Germany, that has several papers published on the fact that according to his research LED doesn’t target the Cytochrome C Oxidase, but instead that irradiation with 670 nm affects the mitochondrial bound water, causing it to expand. if the irradiation stops, the expansion stops, the cells shrink and that expansion and shrinking process, referred to as “breathing”, sucks the ingredients into the cell. Now that level of understanding of the physical changes through low-level light therapy is far beyond my area of expertise, so I will not comment on whether or not I assume it is true. All I can offer is the information that when I looked for similar theories or comments on that by other people involved in the matter, I didn’t find any, which might either because I don’t know where to look – a common problem when you search literature outside your field – or that this author is pretty alone with his opinion.

Another claimed benefit is that pulsed light is more effective in ATP production and collagen production because it penetrates the skin better, and because it optimizes ATP output by balancing ATP production and corresponding free radical production with ATP consumption by the cell. But while again there were studies, none of them to the point that I could say if these claims are true.

If any of that is enough to make you prefer a mask with pulsed light over a mask with continuous light is a personal decision, I can’t give you any advice here as, looking at the data, I simply wouldn’t know. If you want to read about it yourself, here is a blogpost from the website linking to the studies they build their theory on.


You can see the pulsed light when turned on here:



How to use the Maysama Prana LED Light Therapy Mask

If you are new to LED masks, it is advised to use it daily for the first three months and then switch to upkeep with using it three times a week. The duration depends on the mode you chose, pulsed light should be used for six minutes daily, while continuous light requires 9 minutes a day. While in general your skin should be clean before using the mask, applying the accompanying Green Rooibos Pressed Serum 20 minutes before application will give you better results according to the study I mentioned earlier. I faithfully did that, but can’t say I saw a difference compared to using my other LED mask without the serum. As these changes occur on a micro level though, that doesn’t mean they weren’t there. They just weren’t noticeable to the bare eye.

The mask has a portable charger, which I find really handy as I am able to walk around using it, has a velcro strap that fits behind the back of the head and is made from silicone, so adjust to your face shape. I am missing a strap to go over the top of my head to prevent it from sliding down when I get up, so maybe lying down is the better option.

Once you secured the strap, you press the top button to turn it on – it starts with red light, continuous and a timer duration set for one minute and then use the top button again to switch between continuous and pulsed, the middle button to switch between the three different light modalities and the lowest button to change the duration of the timer.

There are eye protective goggles to wear with it, but they are optional when using the red and near infrared light. With blue light your eyes need the extra protection. While you can’t really see the pulsing at its 100 hz frequency I found it to be a little more irritating for my mind when using it – usually I perceive using a LED mask as very relaxing, but that somehow put me on the edge for the lack of a better word, even if I was lying down with my eyes closed. I haven’t seen anyone report that online though, so it might just be my mind playing tricks on me.


A woman wearing the Maysama Prana Led Light Therapy Mask pictured from the side
Here is how it fits on the face


My results

After using the Maysama Prana LED Light Therapy Mask for three months almost daily (I did miss a day or two) and afterwards three times a week for upkeep, I can’t say I noticed changes in my skin. But as I have been using some form of LED mask faithfully for more than two years now, I didn’t expect that. (More info: One year of devices – how has my skin changed?)


How does it compare to…


Currentbody Skin LED Light Therapy Mask
Currentbody Skin LED Light Therapy Mask


Currentbody Skin LED Light Therapy Mask

The Currentbody one is the first mask I have tested and the one i have used ever since. I know they came out with another version since, but I never felt compelled to get that, and others I have been sent to explore the possibility of a sponsorship didn’t really work for me. When I now compare the Currentbody one with the one from Maysama, there are a few distinct differences. Regarding the stats, the irradiance in Currentbody is 30 mW/cm2, so quite a bit lower than it is in Maysama, explaining why a treatment with CB has a ten minute duration compared to 6-9 minutes with Maysama.

The wavelengths in the Currentbody mask are spot on for red and near infrared (633 nm and 830 nm), using exactly the wavelength used in studies, while Maysama is in a good range, but not exact. Currentbody has no blue light option, so if you want to use that to treat blemishes, Maysama certainly has an advantage there.

Currentbody also offers no pulsed light option and leaves the mouth region free while the fit otherwise is pretty similar in both. Which one works better for you depends on if you want a blue light and a pulsed light option and how important treating your mouth is to you as both are comparable in price.

You can read my full review of the Currentbody Skin LED Light Therapy Mask here.


Would I repurchase and which skin types do I recommend the Maysama Prana LED Light Therapy Mask to?

If the Maysama Prana LED Light Therapy Mask is better than other masks on the market depends on your individual preferences. The pros are surely the fact that it has a great irradiance and covers the mouth area, cons are that it doesn’t exactly use the recommended wavelengths. Both the blue light option and the option for using the pulsed light mode wouldn’t be a selling point for me as I stick to red/ near infrared and am not convinced by the data on pulsed light quite yet, but you might feel different about those topics – it is the only mask on the market I have seen at least giving you the pulsed light option.


Maysama Prana LED Light Therapy Mask Review
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