And just like that, another month has passed, and with this, 2018 comes to an end. Did it drag on? Did it fly by? I have heard both.
But I am not here today to reflect on the year that passed, no. I want to talk about the month that ends today, my hectic and sugar filled December.

Although maybe hectic isn´t the right word (sugar filled is, no denying that). Maybe eventful is more fitting, given that I thoroughly enjoyed every event I attended, Christmas related or not. I visited a Christmas Market at our local zoo with the kids, which was magical (despite me getting Whamed on December 2nd!), met up with people I hadn´t seen for almost a decade and went on my first LARP in six years.
I wouldn´t mind going on like that, maybe cut back a little on the sugar (New Years Resolutions and such), but putting an emphasis on the people in my life that make me happy.
What happened on the blog last month is summed up below, just in case you were too busy having a social life to check in here regularly.

The Swiss skincare brand Instytutum reformulated a ton of their products over the summer, and seeing that quite a few of my favorite products came from the brand, I had to take a look at the before and after “Instytutum Skincare Rebranded – Is it still as good?”
With the temperatures dropping I shared my “Winter Skincare Tips – How to get glowing skin in winter” and reviewed a Cult Favorite cleansing balm, the “Emma Hardie Moringa Cleansing Balm – Late to the party”.
Two other skincare reviews, suitable for all seasons, came from THE INKEY LIST, both on “THE INKEY LIST Collagen Serum – Names” and “THE INKEY LIST Q10 Serum – Understatement”.
Oh, and before I forget: There is a giveaway running here “My One 24h Anti-Aging System” that you can still enter to win a whole line of the reviewed skincare products.

Makeup wise things were again a little slower here on “Linda, Libra, Loca”. I showcased a few bits in my end of the year “December Empties 2018 – Taking out the Trash” and showed you my version of a “Glam Holiday Makeup Tutorial”, false lashes included.
If you want more tutorials, I still do a semi-regular Instagram Live on Sundays, chatting to you while applying my makeup.

Not much to show here, just one anti-climactic post on how to deal with failure: “If the year hasn´t gone as planned”. I realize that it is kind of a depressing read for New Years Eve, but it is my reality at the moment, and what blogger would I be if I didn´t turn my personal shortcomings into a blog post?
And that sums up my December Recap – do enjoy your celebrations, stay safe and I will see you again after the jump!