Monthly Recap June 2019

It feels a little weird to type this post, because it is far from being the end of June. In fact, it is June 14th, a little early to look back at an entire month, don’t you think? But as you read this, we are on holiday, touring the South of Sweden with a Camper van, and I have for numerous reasons decided to slow down things on the blog here for that period of time. You might have noticed that I did not upload to my You Tube channel either, (which is here, shouldn’t you be subscribed already) but I can assure you, my normal upload schedule will resume July 1st.


Wearing the Topshop Maxi Dress from my Capsule Wardrobe
Wearing the Topshop Maxi Dress from my Capsule Wardrobe


One of the reasons for taking things slow is of course the fact that I want to be in the moment and spend my time with the kids, not creating and promoting content. If you have children yourself, you will probably be able to relate to the constant feeling of guilt that seems to start when you give birth and never ever stops. Especially when alongside working you also have a time consuming side hustle *cough* blogging *cough*. I usually blog before they wake up (it is currently 05:45 am) or after they are asleep, but you try putting kids to sleep at 8 pm in Sweden, when the sun never really seems to set and all around them are exiting things to see and do… Not going to happen.

Another reason is of course the fact that I don’t know when I will have internet – we´ll be driving around, staying wherever the road takes us, and I rather decide on our camping spot based on view and weather than based on whether or not I have a decent WiFi connection. And as even prescheduled content tends to perform much worse without you being around to promote it, I know I´d feel obliged to check in on a regular basis, and I just don’t want to. And before you come at me in the comments, because obviously there has been prescheduled content, you are basically reading one at this very moment – yes, you are right, but I picked topics that don’t really ever perform too well anyway, being read only by those that have been loyal for a period of time (which I am very grateful for!) and I know that you lovely lot won’t be cross if it takes me a while to answer your comments.

There is a third reason – not posting to the blog does not mean not working on the blog, I am very much Type A and constantly trying to improve things – and this third reason is that I decided to invest in the Zero to Influence Boot Camp. If you haven’t heard about this one yet, it is a paid for course for You Tube creators, run by Erika Vieira, the host of the You Tube Power Hour Podcast. I have been listening to her podcast for a year now and she and her approach really resonated with me. She doesn’t focus on SEO and trending topics, but on figuring out your Why, your niche and your ideal audience – she calls it building your You Tube channel from the inside out. So while I am away, I will do a lot of soul searching and reflection – Where do I want to go? Who do I really want to reach? Deep thoughts, people, perfect for balmy summer nights sitting at a Swedish lake.

But enough with thoughts about the future, let’s talk about what the Monthly Blog Post Recap is actually about: The past and all the things I have written about last month.


Murad Nutrient Charged Water Gel
Look at this texture!



What would a month on here be without a pixi review? Exactly. I talked about the pixi Peel and Polish face mask earlier this month which, I admit, is not a products I would rush out to repurchase. Another brand that has been talked about a lot recently on here is Murad, and this month I featured their Murad Nutrient Charged Water Gel that I adore and will get a lot of use out of in the summer months.

But I like to introduce new brands too, so I worked with Metrin skincare on an overview of their skin care system, claiming to balance skin by sticking to the same five steps morning and night.


mark by Avon Color Crush Spring Color Story
mark by Avon Color Crush Spring Color Story



I am tempted to mention my Beauty Low Buy May Update here, as I featured a look and a mini review of the mark by Avon Color Crush Spring Color Story, but the one „true“ makeup post surely is my review of the Lancôme Definicils mascara (which I, spoiler here, did not like at all).


Lessons learned from having a Capsule Wardrobe
Lessons learned from having a Capsule Wardrobe



Now if I feature my Low Buy Update under makeup, what is left for this category? My Capsule Wardrobe Update, this time two-fold where I talk about the lessons I learned in the first three months on the blog and show you my new purchases along with what needed replacing in the corresponding video.


And now you are all caught up with me!

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