Monthly Recap September 2019

In theory, September should have been a very relaxed month for me. I mean, it did start with me being on vacation in France, very relaxing indeed, and ended with me being away for a whole weekend camping (actually LARP, for those of you familiar with that term). Yes, that was cold at night, but I think it was the first time since my daughter was born that I spend two full days without my phone.


Monthly Recap September 2019
Sunrise in the country


So why do I say „in theory“? Because in between things got a little hectic, and it was entirely my own fault.

I returned without a bunch of prerecorded videos or scheduled blog posts. I returned to my still new and intense job. And I returned to my son needing to transition day care from pre-kindergarten to actual kindergarten.

Which made things hectic.

Not the transition itself, it went smoothly and he loves the new place. No, the fact that I had underestimated how long the transition would take. You see, in Germany you don’t  just drop off the kids and go, there is a whole concept behind beginning day care, making the experience as easy and pleasant as possible for the child.

And don’t get me wrong, I fully support that!

But starting with one hour (in my company) a day and working our way up to full time over the course of three weeks was quite hard to fit in with a full time job on my side. Safe to say that my son is now good friends with all my coworkers and knows where my secretary hides the sweets…

But we made it through and I still managed to publish quite a few blogposts that I will sum up for you underneath.


pixi Vitamin C Lotion Review
pixi Vitamin C Lotion


Skincare reviews

Let’s start with what was actually the end of a mini series: My review of the pixi Vitamin C Lotion, the last in a long line of pixi Vitamin C skincare reviews. But fear not, that doesn’t mean the pixi talk here did stop. I still have a ton of reviews coming, the first one being my two cents on the pixi On The Glow Moisture Stick (spoiler: It was not for me) and the next one the pixi pHenomenal Gel , which has quite interesting claims and is unlike anything else I have in my stash.

Both are part of the pixi Glow Tonic Line, with quite a few more products to talk about, but to provide you with at least some variety I published my thoughts on the newest additions to the Instytutum line. The brand is much more expensive than pixi, but has some real gems (you can read more about my all time favorite eye cream here).


Essence vs Toner
Confused by the difference between Essence and Toner?


Skincare basics

Now that I talked so much about the pixi Vitamin C products, I figured it was about time I explained why I keep going on about that ingredient all the time, so I published an Ingredient Spotlight Vitamin C.  Another question I got quite often was about the difference between Toner, Tonic and Essence and which role they play in a good skincare regimen, and I hopefully answered it here. And last – totally born out of my personal experiences and needs at that time – I answered the question why we get breakouts and other skin problems whenever we are on vacation.


The Silk´n Tightra
The Silk´n Tightra



Apart of the obvious lifestyle post, my Beauty Low Buy Update August (the September edition is coming your way next Thursday), I wanted to talk about another topic in September: Pelvic floor issues and stress incontinence after pregnancy. Judging by the amount of DMs I got regarding that post it affects quite a few of my readers, so I think it is important that we start discussing it more openly.

To update the review I had already written, I filmed a quick The Inkey List Retinol Review for YouTube that I will link up underneath.


What did happen for you in September?

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