My diet and exercise routine – 6 months postpartum update

I promised I´d wear a bikini for our France holiday, and I did. 6 months after having my son, and not completely satisfied yet, but proud of the progress I have made.

In this video I share with you my diet and exercise routine, or at least what I did before I completely fell off the bandwagon while moving.

For comparison see me 3 months update here.

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Please watch in HD and on YouTube for the ultimate viewing pleasure.

Oh, and a little disclaimer: Wear a bikini whenever you feel like it, no matter how much you weigh or if you exercise.


More info on Intermittent Fasting (I do the weekly version, there are different options explained)

Bikini Body Mommy Challenge 5.0


What do you do to stay in shape?


This is not a sponsored post.


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