My labor and delivery story

No breaking news: I had a baby in early March. And you are probably tired of me banging on about it.

But many of you asked for more background information, so I figured I would film a little video, taking you with me on the journey to the hospital and into the delivery room.


My labor and delivery story


Well, not really into, just narratively into, because

a) I don’t think anyone would want to see the bloody details and

b) I had many other things on my mind that did not include picking up a camera.


But if you are up for a little chat, keep watching.

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And if it is only beauty and skincare that interest you, feel free to browse the „Beauty Reviews“ and „Skincare Reviews“ in the sidebar or check back later this week. I may or may not have recorded a little bonus video that will go up on Sunday.

Over to you:

Are you bored as hell by me talking baby stuff?

Or would you like this series to be continued, maybe with postpartum body updates/ getting back in shape/ personal stuff in general?

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