New Pixi Eyeshadow Palettes Natural Beauty and Reflex Light – Review and Swatches

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I admit I filmed a video and needed to add a separate sequence at the end a week later that partly counteracted what I had said in the video.


pixi eyeshadow palettes Natural Beauty and Reflex Light
pixi eyeshadow palettes Natural Beauty and Reflex Light


Not very professional, eh? But in my defense, I wanted to get a review of the new Pixi Beauty Eyeshadow Palettes up quickly, and I knew I only had one spot for filming in the next two weeks. And this spot happened to be about two hours after I received Natural Beauty and Reflex Lights in the mail.

So I opened the parcel, took pictures (first things first, we all need a pristine shot!) and then sat down to film.

And after filming, I took my time to play with Natural Beauty and Reflex Light. And had to admit that I was, indeed, wrong in my first impressions.


But let´s keep things in the right order. Video first, written review underneath!



General eyeshadow performance


The eyeshadows are buttery, which makes them a pleasure to apply to the lids, but also very prone to damage. If you press too hard with the brush, you will generate a dent and a lot of kickback.

All glitters are soft, there are no chunks that might start to migrate or get under your contact lens (been there…) and the mattes and satins apply easily without tugging on the lid.

Even the metallics work very well on my more mature lids, they don’t emphasize any texture or fine lines – a quality many other drugstore palettes are lacking.

pixi Eyeshadow Palette Natural Beauty Shade Names
pixi Eyeshadow Palette Natural Beauty Shade Names


pixi Eyeshadow Palette Natural Beauty Swatches
pixi Eyeshadow Palette Natural Beauty Swatches




As you can see in the swatches, the pigmentation is decent, but not intense. Especially the lighter ones and (sadly) the beautiful Metallic Rose glitter offer only a wash of color. They are buildable though, which makes them beginners friendly, and helps achieving a day time appropriate look even with the metallics from Reflex Light.

pixi Eyeshadow Palette Reflex Light Shade Names
pixi Eyeshadow Palette Reflex Light Shade Names


pixi Eyeshadow Palette Reflex Light Swatches
pixi Eyeshadow Palette Reflex Light Swatches


Performance on the eye

Even without a primer you will get a full day of wear without fading. There is no glitter migration, no patchiness, the shadows stay where you put them.

Sadly both palettes share the same flaw I already found in the pixi It´s Judy Time palette (Review): Shades that look very similar in the pan and almost identical on the lid. Yes, that makes blending easier, but at the same time I feel like you could have skipped two or three shades completely without anyone noticing.


pixi Eyeshadow Palette Reflex Light
pixi Eyeshadow Palette Reflex Light


Pixi Eye Reflections Shadow Palette Reflex Light (24 $ here)

Let´s address the elephant in the room first: Yes, there are only shimmers in this palette. And glitters. And metallics. Not a satin in sight, let alone a matte eyeshadow.

And while it is possible to do a look just using shimmers (I mean, I did one in the video), it is nothing I want to do on an everyday basis, even if these kind of metallic are forgiving on my more mature eyelids.

So, no points for versatility.

The color selection and quality on the other hand convince. Wearable, yet not your standard shades, easily blendable, yet with minimal fallout – I admit I am loving the palette more than I thought I would.

Worth your money?

Yes, if you already have your everyday colors sorted and want some fun eyeshadows to spice up your look every now and again.


pixi Eyeshadow Palette Natural Beauty
pixi Eyeshadow Palette Natural Beauty


Pixi Eye Reflections Shadow Palette Natural Beauty (24 $ here)

The one that I was most excited about. The one that I described as cool toned neutrals. Well, I was wrong. The shadows look cool in the pan, but transfer warm to my lids, so warm that I had to double-check if my brushes were really clean (don´t laugh, it has happened to all of us!).

Some of them, like Dark Taupe, can be described as neutral, but that doesn´t change that this palette offers a variety of neutral, warm toned colors. Good quality shadows, a great matte to shimmer ratio, but still: Another warm neutral palette.

And I have had my fair share of them in the past.

Worth your money?

That depends. I think this is a great beginners palette, or one for people that mainly wear neutrals, but I suspect that most of us have something similar already.


Bottom line

The pixi Eye Reflections Shadow Palettes offer good quality at a decent price. While the Natural Beauty one is more versatile overall, I personally would recommend getting the Reflex Light one – It is just more fun.


pixi eye reflections shadow palettes
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