Norway Travel Vlog 2018 – Come along

Back in July we rented a camper van, packed the kids and started driving.

Up north was the goal, to visit my brother in law that lives in Norway, Helgeland (in Mo i Rana, to be precise, but barely anyone has heard of it). We had no reservations, no fixed itinerary, just a vague idea of the route we were going to take.


Norway Travel Vlog 2018
Norway Travel Vlog 2018


Finally back to the way we travelled before the kids, without obligations, just following the road.

Well, not exactly back to the way we travelled before the kids. Morning lay-ins, hours of quiet time spend reading a book? No, the kids had a mind of their own when it came to how they wanted to spend their days, and, just like they are at home, they were early risers.


But still, it was the closest to adventure that we experienced in a long time, and the confirmation that a road trip with small children is not only doable, but actually quite enjoyable!

As I explained here I wanted to take a break from the blog during this trip, but that didn’t stop me from filming a few snippets on my iPhone from time to time.

The vlog is up way later than I had intended to, but I experimented a little with different ways of editing, and while I am still nowhere near where I wanted to be, I think it is a step in the right direction.

Way less me talking directly to the camera, more storytelling.

Although, to be fair, there wasn’t much story to tell: We drove through different countries and visited my brother in law, but to make up for it I have a lot of landscape to show you, most of which involves water, and way less rambling than the previous vlogs had.

Please do me a favor and tell me in the comments how you like that different style? And please be gentle, I know there is a lot to improve still.

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