Nostalgic makeup – Do you keep it?

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Holding on to makeup for nostalgic reasons – I never thought that would be something I´d do. In fact, I would have sworn that I was very strict about what I was keeping in my stash.

But when I recently did the seasonal swap, it dawned on me that I was lying to myself. I didn´t really keep makeup I didn´t like, true that.


Urban Decay Naked Skin Concealer - my nostalgic makeup
Urban Decay Naked Skin Concealer – my nostalgic makeup


But I did keep makeup that didn´t work.

Why? Because I bought it in the hormonal rush that was my second pregnancy.

Take the Urban Decay Naked Skin Concealer (25,99 € here) for example. It is an amazing concealer, don´t get me wrong. It is lightweight, covers my spots, doesn´t cake and lasts a full work day.

But when I purchased it, at the end of a summer holiday in France, I misjudged my skintone by several shades.


Urban Decay Naked Skin Concealer
The shade I picked – Light Neutral


There are several reasons for that: I swatched it on the back of my hand (mistake number one), only in store with artificial light (mistake number two) and at the very end of a long and sunny summer holiday at the beach (mistake number three).

Seriously, you´d think I would have never bought base products before when you read that!

Only a short time after the purchase it dawned on me that it was not going to work. No matter how well I blended, it was always just a tad to dark, drawing attention to the area I tried to conceal.


Urban Decay Naked Skin Concealer
You can still see it, even though I tried to blend it.


So I did what any other makeup lover would have done: I put it back into my stash, thinking I would use it again next summer. You know, when I had a tan that would miraculously make it a perfect match.

Now I don´t know how much I though I would tan, but for two summers now I have brought out the concealer, only to discover it was (surprise!) still too dark and put it back into the drawer come September.

I even filmed a video using it, claiming that „I could only use this shade in the summer“ and realizing while editing that I could, in fact, NOT use it, not even in summer, and most certainly not on camera.

So this time, even though it breaks my heart, I am not going to put it back in my stash, but instead accept that I wasted the money. Because, to be fair, I wasted the money two years ago already, and the only thing I kept on wasting now is my time.


Urban Decay Naked Skin Concealer
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