pixi Lash & Line Love – My thoughts

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Back in school I learned that when writing an essay, you should always „sandwich“ your arguments.

Meaning: If you are pro something, you list some points for the cause, then some against it and end with your strongest pro reason.

That way you appear to be neutral, but subtly influence people to support something just by the order you list your points.


pixi Lash & Line Love - my thoughts
pixi Lash & Line Love – my thoughts


I have always wondered if the same is true for collection reviews. I mean, there are usually products you´ll love and others that didn´t work for you, so can you influence peoples perception by the order you list them?

Let´s see how you´ll end up feeling about the new pixi Lash & Line Love * bits I want to talk about today.

If you prefer to listen instead of read, please watch the video below (on You Tube and in HD of course) and just pin this blog post for further reference.


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pixi eye define waterline
pixi eye define waterline


pixi Eye Define Waterline* (14 $)

Retractable waterproof slim liner with intense, no-smudge colour payoff & gentle application. Adds definition that lasts all day.

Lining your upper waterline can make all the difference when it comes to full looking lashes, still it is something I rarely do because I a) wear contacts and can´t deal with stuff getting in my eyes and b) most liners disappear after a few hours on me, so I simply don´t bother.

The Eye Define Waterline though lives up to it´s claim and stays put on my upper water line for at least eight hours without irritation. I would be a total convert (and sport fuller looking lashes all day every day) if there wouldn´t be one (small) caveeat: It does transfer over the course of the day, slowly darkening my lower lash line too. Not a problem if you tend to line that anyway, but I prefer to keep it bare most days, so I reach for this one only when I feel very rock and roll.

Recommended for? People that want a dark waterline that will last all day.


pixi eye define waterline
pixi eye define waterline


pixi Extra Eye Bright* (14 $)

This waterproof precision inner rim liner is designed to brighten the eyes and make the eye whites look whiter. Twist-up, non-sharpening precision point pen makes it easy to use and adds a brightening effect exactly where you want it. The pale white-pink-lavender colour enhances the whiteness of the eye white, giving the illusion of larger, more bright and awake eyes – your own little wakeup makeup secret!

Now that my son has decided that 5:30 am is his new wake up time, I need all the help I can get to at least look awake at the office. The lavender-pink tint brightens while being less obvious than a pure white liner would be, and while it looses some of it´s vibrancy over time, it does deliver a noticeable effect for up to six hours.

On my complexion I prefer a warmer color if shove comes to push, but apart fom that it ticks all the boxes.

Recommended for? People with little children. And anyone else that wants to look more awake, especially with a preference for cool tones.


pixi black lacquer lash primer
pixi black lacquer lash primer


pixi Black Lacquer Lash Primer* (15 $)

This is the essential prep step for full, voluminous lashes. The rich black formula is packed with vitamins A & C plus panthenol to help keep lashes in optimum condition. Unique comb applicator defines and volumizes for the ultimate intense effect. Use before mascara as a base coat, after mascara to set, or by itself for a natural tinted look.


pixi black lacquer lash primer
pixi black lacquer lash primer – the unique comb applicator (as stated by pixi. I think I have seen similar before)


I have a confession to make: I rarely use a lash primer. I am just way too lazy.

The added vitamins and lash conditioning ingredients might help me stick to it this time though, as well as the fact that I really like the volume this gives.

I have worn this primer on it´s own (amazing volume, barely any lengthening) and paired with different mascaras, adding volume to those that usually just lengthen, but clumping quite a bit when paired with a volumizing formula.

Another thing it helps with is holding a curl. My lashes look more lifted at the end of the day, only letting go with a makeup remover that is able to tackle waterproof mascaras.

Recommended for? Anyone that has volume and curl on top of their mascara wish list. *Raises hand*


pixi Lash & Line Love
On my eyes



pixi Large Lash Mascara
pixi Large Lash Mascara


pixi Large Lash Mascara* (16 $, 2 shades)

Specialized, buildable formula along with oversized brush delivers extreme volume & intense colour in one sweep. Separates, lengthens, and plumps each lash for a false lash look without clumping. Smudge-proof. Water-resistant.


pixi Large Lash Mascara
pixi Large Lash Mascara – the brush


A classic case where the claims lead to disappointment. „Extreme volume“? No.

This is a very natural looking mascara (on me) that defines nicely, blackens the lashes, doesn´t smudge but in no way adds much volume or length. Despite being water resistant, it is easy to take off in the evenings.

Recommended for? Anyone that wants black and defined, yet natural looking lashes. I know my sister will snatch this from my hand the second she sees how it wears.


pixi Lash & line Love
On my lashes



pixi lash line ink
pixi lash line ink


pixi Lash Line Ink* (14 $, 2 shades)

Deep black ink liner applies flawlessly, featuring a waterproof, non-feathering, quick-drying formula. Flexible precision tip makes it easy to apply directly into lash line for extra definition – perfect for a natural look or full-on cat eye.


pixi lash line ink
pixi lash line ink


I love black liner. I have tried countless versions. This is among the worst.

While I like the tip (it is dense enough to give you full control yet soft enough to feel comfortable) I am not able to get one opaque line with it. The color gets patchy, the liner skips over my (no longer tight) eyelids, I need to go over it several times and above all that fades quickly within a few hours.

Recommended for? I wouldn´t recommend this liner to anyone, to be honest, but liner (and mascara) are usually very personal, so it might work for you even if it didn´t for me.


pixi Lash & Line Love - my thoughts
pixi endless silky eye pen


pixi Endless Silky Eye Pen* (12 $)

Waterproof, super-long-wear, no-smudge, no-budge eye liners. They glide on like seamless silk, and in a single sweep motion create a flawless, solid jewel-toned line. No retouching required all day – or night! Gentle on eyes, yet intensely coloured and super-silky.


pixi endless silky eye pen
pixi endless silky eye pen


The Endless Silky Eye Pens have been around for a while now, so I already knew that every single one of the claims above is true. They are among my favorite pencil eyeliners, so I was excited to receive the new shades.

Two of them, VelvetViolet and CobaltBlue, are much brighter than I usually wear, but the blue paired with a peachy shadow is a look that I love for sunny days! VelvetViolet will get his time in the spotlight when fall comes around, but now, at the beginning of summer, we will leave it with a short mention. I don´t want t think about summer ending quite yet.


pixi endless silky eye pen
Wearing pixi Endless Silky Eye Pen in CobaltBlue on my lower lash line


The other two, RoseGlow and MatteMulberry, cater more to the needs of neutral eye lovers.

RoseGlow (destined to become a blogger favorite by name alone) is a rosegold metallic that looks beautiful as accent on the lower lashline (my favorite way to add subtle sparkle to my office eye, see mascara pictures above), as main liner or to glam up the inner corner.

MatteMulberry is an almost brown, with emphasis on the almost. The slightly warmer purple hue it has adds a special something-something that makes the green in my eyes pop.

Recommended for? Anyone. The formula is simply amazing and the now 22 shades will provide the perfect color just for you.


pixi Lash & Line Love
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