Skincare products I have finished – December Empties 2019

Advertisement info: This blog post contains PR-Samples (gifted items) and affiliate links. I received no money to write it. Please read disclaimer.

I don’t have many traditions for this blog, but ending the year with an Empties post is one of them.


Grab a cup of tea – I have a lot of empties to show you!


Although I have to admit it is not exactly a blog tradition, but more born out of YouTube, where I uploaded my first video inDecember 2015, talking about the skincare products I had finished.

The video is still up on my channel, should you want to have a good laugh, and I have uploaded  an Empties one as my last video ever since. With increasing quality, I hope, but still staying true to the original format: A bunch of empty containers drawn out at random from a box.



I have talked about all the products on the blog already, so I will spare you my rambling and leave you with a link to the original review and the short notice whether or not I would repurchase for now.

Other than I did in the video I will provide you with some structure here though, grouping the items into categories rather than listing them at random.


Indie Lee Brightening Cleanser
Indie Lee Brightening Cleanser




pixi skincare review
Pixi Rose Tonic




Peter Thomas Roth Cucumber Gel Mask
Peter Thomas Roth Cucumber Gel Mask


Face mask


Missha Super Aqua Ultra Waterful Eye Treatment
Missha Super Aqua Ultra Waterful Eye Treatment


Eye creams


Fotoprotector ISDIN Fusion Water
Fotoprotector ISDIN Fusion Water


Hair Care and random things

  • Batiste Dry Shampoo: already repurchased
  • Sachajuan Leave in Conditioner: Read my full review here, not going to repurchase
  • ISDIN Fusion Water SPF 50+: Already repurchased
  • Nivea Biphasic Eye Makeup Remover: Repurchase eventually
  • NYX Matte Finish Makeup Setting Spray: Not going to repurchase
  • Eyeko Black Magic Mascara: Repurchase eventually


You can tell by the sheer amount of red „not going to repurchase“ parts that I worked hard on finishing up some products that I did not enjoy to make space for the ones I loved and that I knew suited my skin. That does of course not make them bad products, many of them were actually really nice. Just for my skin type and my current needs, I have others that perform better, and I want to move away from having five different eye creams open at the same time.


Skincare products I have finished - December Empties 2019
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