The fact that I am back to work full swing has lead to some changes in my personal and in my blogging life.
To keep up with everything and avoid too many blog-related night shifts, I decided to put my love for lists and new found discipline (it seems to be something you get on top when giving birth) to good use and start scheduling my posts way in advance.
I did this before we embarked on our New Zealand adventure, as I didn’t want to have to try and come up with posts while on holiday, and it worked out pretty well.
I even got excited to click on my own page, because it had totally slipped my mind what I had prescheduled for that specific day.
And with everything planned in advance, I thought:
Why not give you a little Sneak Peak on what will be coming your way during the next three months?
A basket full of (mostly) good stuff |
Maybe you´ll spot something you are debating to buy?
Or I will remind you of some gem hidden in your stash?
Let´s just hope it will intrigue you to come back.
Along with these items reviewed there will of course be “Inspired by…” posts, my “Favorite Face of…”, “Recent Reads” and, as a new addition, the odd recipe or even outfit post thrown in.
With this said, I hope you all have a lovely Easter weekend, filled with family, food and laughter.
Center Piece on my dining table |
Close up of the daffodils |
More flowers and eggs on the sideboard |
Husband made pancakes with berries and maple syrup |