Taking out the trash VII – July 2016 Empties

After filming this months empties video I realized that I seem to have separation anxiety when it comes to lip products. I mean, seriously, a six year old lipgloss?

That is gross!


My July Empties
My July Empties


But no longer, four makeup items had to go, and I did finish some skincare as well.

So without further ado, my July 2016 Empties, along with mini reviews and, of course, bloopers at the end!


Please watch on YouTube and in HD for the ultimate viewing pleasure!

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Have you tried anything I mentioned before?

And have you ever found ancient makeup in your stash like I did?


If you want to read more about skincare, please check out the „Skincare Reviews“ category in the side bar.
If you want to read more about makeup, please check out the „Makeup Reviews“ category in the side bar.
This post may contain affiliate links. All opinions are honest and my own.



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