We get the glow – Our final thoughts

Of course I had expectations when starting this challenge. Some were met, some weren´t and I was in for a few surprises. Caffeine withdrawal, for example.


We get the glow – final thoughts


And of course I had some expectations after finishing. Which I, technically, just did yesterday. But it was my birthday a week ago, and six weeks was all about incorporating the changes you made for the last weeks into your daily life, so we decided to see how a day with sugar would affect our general mood and well-being.

I had some cake in the morning. I had some sweets with my co-workers at the office to celebrate. I had more cake in the afternoon.


And the following day, there was still some leftover cake, so… Yes.

That was when we filmed the video, and despite feeling a little blah from all the sweets I didn´t feel too different. Expectations met, I thought. You can do just fine with or without the sugar.


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The day after filming I woke up with two gigantic zits on my right cheek. Two. Red, inflamed, angry. Now I know quite well that this may as well be down to hormonal changes and lack of sleep, but it sure got me thinking. Turns out, sugar seems to affect my skin way more than I thought it would. Despite the fact that I have battled breakouts for most of my life, I had grown so used to my spot free skin that these two really took me by surprise.

Let´s see if that is what I need to stay away from excess sugar in the long run. Chances are quite good, I would say, shallow creature that I am. Spots might be able to achieve what medical education never managed: Help me overcome my sweet tooth.

I will keep you updated. Until then, please refer to the video for our final thoughts and of course the “before and after” pictures. Do you see a difference?

If you want to try it yourself, here is the book this challenge is based on.


All products were purchased with my own money and all opinions are honest and my own. Some links used above may be affiliate links.
This is not a sponsored blogpost.
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