Wearable Makeup Trends 2019 – Graphic Colored Eyeliner

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I am the first one to put up my hand and admit that the previous video in the series „Wearable Makeup Trends 2019“ was far from being an actual challenge.  Soft eyes, red lips – I wear that any given day, no matter if it is on trend or not.

So for today’s look, I figured I´d venture out of my comfort zone. VERY FAR out of my comfort zone in fact.


Wearable Makeup Trends 2019 - Colored Eyeliner in green
Wearable Makeup Trends 2019 – Green Graphic Liner


I used color. Green color.

Apparently green is going to be absolutely on trend in 2019 (and even more so with St. Patricks Day right around the corner. Lá Fhéile Pádraig– shout out to all the lovely Irish folk celebrating!)

To make up for the fact that the green is very (very!) subtle, I combined it with a colorful graphic liner, one of the eyeliner styles that is huge in 2019 (Pinterest said so!). And, at least if you choose a dark green like I did, one of the few colored eyeliner versions possible to pull off at the office.


So watch the video and tell me: Is this something you would actually wear? In your everyday life? I would (and I did), even though I admit it is more for the more seasoned makeup lover than the no-makeup-makeup-girl…



Below is the step by step tutorial for this colorful eyeliner look

Base and lips

Whenever I wear color, I tend to make that one area the focal point of the look. So: Neutral base (I mixed my beloved Estée Lauder Double Wear in with The Ordinary Coverage Foundation to get the perfect color match), neutral blush (MAC Pro Longwear Blush in All Day Blush, LE) and neutral lips (pixi Shea Butter Lip Balm in Sweet Peach).


Wearable Makeup Trends 2019 - Colored Eyeliner in green
Doesn’t look that scary like this, don’t you think?



Then I took MAC All Races (LE) all over my mobile lid for a neutral base and grabbed a dark green liner. The one I use in the video is line ´n´ grow eyeliner in Olive, but to be honest I only used it because it was on hand. Much better would probably work a gel liner (I like the ones by MAC and the ones by Bobbi Brown) that you apply not with a liner brush, but with a stiff eyebrow brush.

The stiffer brush will give you the opportunity to stamp the liner on rather than draw, making it graphic as opposed to winged out. Once you stamped on a triangular shape on the outer part of the eye, bring the liner into the lash line until about halfway in. This will elongate the eyes even further.


Wearable Makeup Trends 2019 - Colored Eyeliner in green
Here is how the eye look from the side


And yes, reading back I am fully aware that this doesn´t make much sense, but I promise it gets clearer in the video where you actually can see what I am doing.

For more color I took MAC Swimming (LE), a sparkly grass green on a fluffy brush and lightly buffed it into my crease. It isn´t as full on as covering the whole mobile lid, but adds something extra.

And being extra is what a look like that is all about, don´t you think?

Tons of Milk makeup Ubame Mascara (if you use falsies, stick to corner ones, otherwise you might mask the graphic liner effect) and you are done!

Doesn´t look as scary as Green Graphic Liner sounds, don´t you think? If you had to do a colored eyeliner look, which shade would you go for?


Step by step colored eyeliner tutorial
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