Autumn haul and try-on and I need your help


To all of you checking in for the Monday skincare review… I am sorry. I decided to venture out of my comfort zone, leave the ground that I feel safe on and try something new today.

Something adventurous.

Something I have absolutely no clue about.

A fashion video!


Autumn haul and try-on
Autumn haul and try-on


Well, at least something like a fashion video. Please don’t expect outfit inspiration and trends. Au contraire, dear readers, I am here to ask your help.



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I need stuff to wear, as all of us do, and most of my things don’t fit me anymore. So I placed one big (and a few small) online orders in the sale and tried them on in front of the camera. To ask you what you think I should keep and what should go back in the box.

Now there aren´t any exciting things shown here. Or exotic and fashionable stuff. It is mainly skinny jeans, jumpers and boots. But that is what I wear most of the time, even though I will try and incorporate more dresses and things. Mainly because I will be back to work soon and it is mandatory there…

As I bought everything from the sales I am no longer able to link the exact items I bought, but everything was from Zalando or asos

For reference, I am wearing a 37.5 in boots and 38 or 40 (depending on the brand) in other clothes.

So, tell me: What do you think I should keep and what should go back in the box?


All products were purchased with my own money and all opinions are honest and my own. 
This is not a sponsored video.
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