Viewing posts in: The Body Shop

Beauty Empties February 2019

This blog post contains affiliate links. Please read disclaimer. A few days ago I had a conversation with Lindsey (who blogs at Sustainably Savvy about green beauty and her zero waste journey) about the “right amount” of products to include into a Beauty Empties video. I mean, you basically need to get people interested in you talking about trash, that is hard work!     On top of that you don´t want to show too many products – I mean, I love watching empties, but if I see the video…

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Taking out the trash 16 – Empties February 2018

This blogpost contains PR-samples and affiliate links. Please read disclaimer. When I was filming this video, I was pretty content with myself. Not only did I like the way my hair looked – call me vain, but these things can make or break a day -, but I was satisfied with having yet another batch of products finished to show you. After starting to make a conscious effort to actually finish products and not let the last bit go to waste while saving it for a special day, I felt…

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Taking out the trash 14 – November Empties

This blog post contains PR-Samples and affiliate links. Please see disclaimer   I took last week off work. There were numerous reasons, and the leading one surely was that I had accumulated so many extra hours over summer that I needed to loose a few. Another, really important reason though was that I wanted to get back on top of my blogging game again. After the summer holidays life was so busy, I never quite went back to my prepared and prescheduling self. And I was tired (in every sense…

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The Body Shop Superfood face masks – Good enough to eat?

If you did watch my blog from August, you´ll know that I visited The Body Shop for the launch of the new Superfood Face masks. And of course I had to pick up one. Or two. Okay. Make it three. And samples of the remaining ones, so I can say I have tried every new face mask they launched. All in the name of science, of course.     The main thing I noticed upfront is that all of them smell and look delicious. I wouldn´t recommend eating them though,…

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Taking out the trash IX – Empties

As I mention at the end of the video, that was supposed to be my September Empties. Yeah, I know.     In my defense, I do have a ton of video ideas and barely any time to film and edit them, so I guess I will leave the „monthly“ empties schedule and sneak them in as a Sunday bonus video whenever I find the time. What better way to spend a Sunday then talking about trash, am I right?  

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September 2016 Favorites – Still a beauty blog, promised!

Yes, I know. This is called a beauty blog. And again, I only have one makeup item to show you in my favorites. My excuse? I don’t really have one.     But I try to make it up by rambling on about skincare and life in general, and I promise I am all settled now and will play more with my makeup throughout next month. So here they are, without further ado: My September 2016 Favorites. With bloopers.  

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Face masks – All you need to know

When I asked in my recent videos which topic you would want to hear more about, sheet masks were highly requested. But as sheet masks on their own are not that big of a topic, I decided to film a video about face masks in general, with a special emphasis on sheet masks. Oh, and with bloopers.    

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July 2016 Favorites

As July is almost over, it is time for another favorites post. With the upcoming move (it is actually moving day today!) and the incredible heatwave we had, makeup had to be quick and minimal. Not that I am complaining about the heat, not in the slightest. I feel a lot more energetic and happy when the sun is out, even though our current flat with the big window fronts was probably not the best place to be throughout the day.     As far as skincare is concerned, I…

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Taking out the trash VII – July 2016 Empties

After filming this months empties video I realized that I seem to have separation anxiety when it comes to lip products. I mean, seriously, a six year old lipgloss? That is gross!     But no longer, four makeup items had to go, and I did finish some skincare as well. So without further ado, my July 2016 Empties, along with mini reviews and, of course, bloopers at the end!

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June 2016 Favorites

Another month, another favorites post. Ain´t that how it goes? I will tell you what was not my favorite this month in the post here: The weather!     You see, it was raining pretty much all June, and with June 21th coming along, I knew the days were going to get shorter. Now I am all about those long, warm and light summer evenings spend outdoors with friends and a cold drink, and if that didn´t happen before the nights are getting longer again, I feel cheated. But enough moaning…

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