Wearable Makeup Trends 2019 – Easy eyes, red lips

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Makeup trends – I can´t be the only one that keeps looking them up, but struggles to incorporate them into their actual routine.

Don’t get me wrong, I do wear more makeup than the average woman, but what looks gorgeous on a 20 something on the runway doesn’t necessarily flatter a 40 something doing the groceries.


Makeup Trends 2019
Soft eyes and red lips – a fresh spring look


But seeing that I am stuck in kind of a makeup rut, I decided to challenge myself and see if I can actually adapt the Makeup Trends 2019 to my life – runway to real life, if you will.

To ease into it, I picked the one that was closest to home: Easy eyes and red lips.

I know red lips aren’t for everyone, but I feel like this look works with different kinds of red – soft and fresh as I opted for in the video, but also with a statement pout.


Step by step tutorial

As always recommend you watch on You Tube and in HD.

Now I get that this isn’t actually a surprising look, but it has a few things that are different to how I usually do it.

Take the liner, for example. Or the non-liner, the eyeshadow. As someone who’s „signature look“ (which basically means the look that I do while I am still asleep on Monday morning) is always a black winged liner, the soft effect it had was kind of surprising whenever I caught a glimpse in the mirror.

The more glossy lip and the blurred out effect added to the fresh and well-rested impression that gave, quite an achievement given that this was filmed in January when my usual look is more of a grey in grey, blending in with my surroundings.

If you wanted to step it up, try adding a few corner lashes – the lift they will give to the eye transforms the whole look.


Makeup Trends 2019
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All products are easily dupable, but if you want some recommendations, here you go.


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