Lesley Fightmasters 30 Days of Yoga Challenge – The second week

If you are wondering what this series is about click here for the introduction. But short story even shorter: Inma from “Sunshine&Glow” (a seasoned yoga lover) and I (a complete beginner) share our experiences with the 30 Days of Yoga Beginners Challenge of Lesley Fightmaster Yoga.


Yoga essentials


So the struggle continues…


Day 8


When exercising today I suddenly realize that the pain in my left lower back is gone. It has been accompanying me pretty much every day these past weeks, most likely a result of weak muscles and lugging around a heavy baby boy with my left arm. All the stretching does pay off! And the exercises get more challenging. I can feel my legs and arms in the evening. Not completely sore, but  a welcome feeling of tiredness.


Today is Wednesday and it is when I go to my yoga class after work, so I decide to skip today. I feel a bit guilty but this is not a case of ticking boxes and if I have practiced for an hour and a half, then that is a good thing!


Day 9


Oh well, now my upper left back is tight. I realize it with the bending we are doing more and more of. It is the arm I carry the baby with, and pretty much all the muscles around my shoulder blade are hurting. Let´s see if that is being fixed with this challenge as well.


I really loved today. As days have gone by we have been building up and it feels more like a flow now. I usually struggle with my upper body strength and really want to improve it so today I did a couple of extra push ups when in plank. Olivia, my yoga teacher would smile if she read this, because I always pull a face in class when we do it.




Day 10


Today is a horrible day. I keep running around all day and am exhausted when I pick my daughter up from day care. The attempt to do Yoga with both kids around is doomed. Either my son is crying or my daughter insists on joining in. I start over five times, but don’t get more than three minutes. When Mr. Loca finally comes home I pick a fight with him instead of trying a sixth time.  So much for the loving communication and intentions…


Today was a sweaty one! I don’t know if it is because it’s the end of the week and I am a bit tired. However, today we did one of my favourite poses, supported bridge. I LOVE this and sometimes I do it for 5 minutes. The feeling you have when you remove the block and lie on the floor is AMAZING.


Day 11


Saturday, and my husband at home. Unusual, but very welcome. I do both Day 10 and Day 11 and feel very much at peace afterwards.


I’ve woken up feeling a bit stressed out today. I didn’t sleep great and had nightmares, so that’s put me in a bit of a funny mood. After spending some time with friends I head back home and I am up for a double bill today. I do Day 11, which is picking up pace! I struggle a bit through the three bridge poses at the end because I always have a lot of tightness around my shoulders. Now I am just about to hit play on Lesley’s Yoga Nidra, which is a favourite of mine when I have a bit of time at the weekend. I’m going to draw the curtains so there is a good chance that I will fall asleep…


Day 12


Early morning Yoga before we head to my parents to have a look at all the construction work that has been done the past two weeks. I am usually not one to work out in the mornings, but it leaves me refreshed and energized. Maybe I should do that more often.


See Day 13


Day 13


I just realized I have been talking about my personal life all week. That should be about Yoga! The workout has changed quite a bit, from all the stretching and breathing to planks and upward dogs that make my muscles sore and challenge my balance. I do find it hard to keep up with the pace some times, but as it is a YouTube video I can always pause and catch up in my own speed.


I have a double one today because I’ve had friends staying at the weekend and it has been a bit difficult to find time to practice. It is late at night now and I’m just about to go to bed, so all these standing poses are probably going to wake me up but I really don’t want to be two days behind… When I started yoga I didn’t like sun salutations because I found them really frantic and kept having to pay attention to what came next. As years have gone by I am much more used to the flow of them and really enjoy it. I can stop thinking and my mind gets very still.


Day 14


When I picked up my son this morning, my arms did actually hurt! Just a little, but noticeable. My first exercise related muscle ache in months. It felt so good. Lesley is offering two version of the exercise at the moment, one more relaxed and one where you do some plank, up dog and other stuff in between. Of course I am taking the challenging road. Most of the time.


Today we start setting an intention, which is something I really like. Yoga is more than physical exercise for me, and it has help me to have an attitude towards life that is more curious, more open and calm.

As week 2 ends I realize it has been a real challenge to find time for it this week. Having visitors and all the socializing it entails has been lots of fun, but it has made me feel like this was something I had to do rather than something I look forward to doing, which is how I normally feel. I know it sounds a bit negative, but I wanted to be completely honest with it! Week 3 is going to throw some new challenges as I will be in Spain and not have wifi for a couple of days, so I am going to have to miss those 2 days.


Have you been working out last week?

And have you ever committed to a daily challenge?

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