There are some struggles with motherhood that no one really prepares you for. And I am not talking sleepless nights and complete loss of privacy here.
I talk about the struggles you face when your kids develop their own taste and it is completely different to yours.
„It is a phase!“ is what people tell me, and I cling on to that hope like a drowning woman. Because right now all my daughter wants is pink, glitter and unicorns. And if you know me just a little, pink, glitter and unicorns are not my style.
They used to be though, as I faintly remember. When I was around six, I had set my heart on having a princess party for my birthday, and I wanted a pink dress and pink glitter and a plastic crown to wear.
My mother didn´t allow it. She told me that pink was not my color (she was right) and that I could dress up as a witch (which I did). But until today I remember how much I wanted to be a princess, and that I couldn´t be one.
It didn´t scar me, don´t get me wrong, and I hold no grudges whatsoever against my mother. She has exquisite taste, but I figured if I still remember it in a time where being a pink princess makes me want to puke, I should probably grant my daughter her wish.
So there was pink frosting on the cake, she had a pink DIY birthday crown with her name and age written on it in glitter, she even got a shirt with Anna and Elsa from Frozen on that she insists on wearing on top of her warm jumpers ever since.
„It is just a phase“ is what kept me sane through this day, that and a skincare order that arrived right in time to offer distraction. I show you what is inside at the end of the video, if you are curious!