LLL Vlogs 36 – Getting my hair done

I really have no explanation why it always takes me so long book an appointment to get my hair done.

I mean, the experience is nothing but pleasant! Even if you leave the whole „New hair, beautiful me“ – thing aside, what is not to love?


LLL Vlogs 36 - Getting my hair done
LLL Vlogs 36 – Getting my hair done


Sitting in a chair with some tea and a book for more than two hours without getting up to a) wipe up spilled milk or b) wipe a bottom or c) wipe away tears due to spilled milk or wiping a bottom is an occasion so rare, I almost forget that a long time ago every weekend was supposed to be like this.

I vow not to let 13 months pass before I venture in the world of bleach and blow drys again!


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With a new do however come certain needs, the most pressing one: The need to take about 279 selfies, changing up the parting, the angle, the lighting, you name it.

Which has me facing the next problem: I am rubbish at taking selfies.

Even if I accept that the model is to blame if I don´t like the majority of my pictures, there are still so many other things I need to work on.

Keeping my eyes open, for example, and figuring out the best lighting and how not to have the loo or a heap of dirty laundry right behind me.

Think I am exaggerating? No way, and as proof I will share a little „Behind the Scenes“, or „Outtakes“ selection with you, all created on a Monday morning at 6:30 am.


When you forget to change from front to back camera
Okay, right side of the phone, but not even remotely in frame!


Hey, open your eyes!


There are many more, and only one that actually made the cut and got shared on my instagram stories. Now if only I could remember where I stood, and which way I tilted my head and held my arm, so recreating something similar would become easy.

Any tips for the perfect selfie you´d like to share?



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