March Favorites 2017 – New beginnings

If you remember my last Favorites post (read here if you missed it), you know I promised change. And change there is, but if it was for better or worse, only time and you, dear readers, can tell. Or should it be “Dear Watchers”, given it is a You Tube video? Are you the watchers on the Wall, sworn to defend humankind from boring and repetitive content? And can you tell I am really looking forward to the last season of Game of Thrones airing soon?


March 2017 Favorites


But wait, I am not really sure if I am looking forward to that. Game of Thrones, I mean. You see, I do look forward to watching it, but I am not looking forward to it being the last season. Does that make any sense?

Alas, the blog post seems to go the same way as the video did in terms of lacking structure. Editing made me realize I was all over the place, mixing favorites with disappointing products and personal stuff with seasonal things. It will improve with time. At least that is what I tell myself.


The important question is: What am I going to name it? It is no longer “Favorites” only, but “Favorites, disappointing products and all the other stuff I have tried last month” isn´t really a catchy title. And would be horrible to share on Twitter, something of utmost importance in the days of social media promotion.

Oh well, I will find a title and some structure one day. Until then I invite you to watch the video on You Tube (and in HD) to participate in what is going to be a fabulous concept. One day.

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Products mentioned

MAC Blush Ombre Ripe Peach
Too Faced Naughty Kisses & Sweet Cheeks Set
L´Oréal Indefectible lipstick Oops I pink it again
M. Asam Dormacell Ampoule Beauty Treatment *
pixi skintreats Double Cleanse
Makeup Eraser

Any name suggestions for me?

All products with the exception of those marked with an (*) were purchased with my own money and all opinions are honest and my own. Some links used above may be affiliate links.
This is not a sponsored video.
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