My substitute – Max Factor Masterpiece Colour Precision Eyeshadow in 03 „Coffee“

I don’t like coffee.
Or, to be more precise: I think it tastes absolutely disgusting and makes me want to gag.
It doesn’t matter how much milk there is in it.
It doesn’t matter how much sugar was added.
It doesn’t matter if it is part of Tiramisu.
I just can’t stand it.

Max Factor Masterpiece Colour Precision Eyeshadow in 03 „Coffee“

When my husband brews himself a fresh cup early in the morning, or when my girlfriends order a giant cup of Latte after a day spend shopping, I get a little jealous.
Drinking coffee is such a cute ritual, a little mini-break, a treat to yourself, and I will never have it.

So I indulge in coffee-related things whenever I get the chance.
My latest little sweet treat is Max Factor Masterpiece Colour Precision Eyeshadow in 03 „Coffee“.

What Max Factor claims:
Masterpiece Colour Precision Eye Shadow´s shimmery shades will amaze you with their staying power. Precision applicator for immaculate eyes. Can be used alone for a sultry shimmer across luscious lids. Use as a base under powder eye shadow for added depth.

One tube, easy to confuse with a lipgloss if it weren’t for the colors, contains 8 ml and retails for 7,50 € in your local drugstore or on Amazon here.
It is available in seven different shades, most of them leaning towards neutrals or toned down basic colors like blue and green.

The color itself is really creamy when applied and allows for quite some playtime before it settles. This is a good thing if you want to take your time blending, but if you are in a hurry and start blending to early, you will most likely blend most of the product away.

Even though the shadow is called „shimmery“, I don’t see any obvious glitter either in the tube or applied. A soft, pretty sheen is what transfers to my eyes and just as claimed, the color can be worn as a subtle wash (just apply and blend) or build up (apply, let it dry, blend the edges, reapply to taste).
You will never reach the intensity of a full on, deep smokey eye, but for my everyday needs it works great.

Wearing three layers to achieve the desired depth

Despite it taking its time to dry completely, I didn’t find it to move around or crease on me, even when worn completely on its own. Fading will start after around six hours if I don’t prime my lid (which I usually do), but it disappears evenly.

It works great as an eyeshadow base itself, I really like pairing it with a golden powder eyeshadow for some extra depth.

Does it live up to its claims?
Yes, except one.
It is shimmery, it works great as base, it can be worn on it´s own. Check, check, check.
But: Precision applicator for immaculate eyes? I mean, this is the applicator:

Max Factor Masterpiece Colour Precision Eyeshadow in 03 „Coffee“

Almost as precise as your usual sponge applicator I guess.
But I don’t mind. I don’t want this to be my eyeliner, but a base or an all-over lid color, and I will blend the edges anyway.
So I paint it on and then use either a brush (if I am feeling fancy) or my fingers and it looks perfectly neat.

Will I rebuy?
Yes. If I ever manage to finish this one, that is.
So far I don’t see me running out of it very soon.

Who do I recommend it to?

The color selection is safe, the price point is great, and you can use it sheer or more intense, just as you like it.
Now I can t compare it to any of the high end liquid eyeshadows out there, simply because I don’t own any, and it may be that there is a special ind of magic to them I just cant see, but if, like me, you want to try if this whole liquid eyeshadow concept is for you, this one will be a great one to try.

Do you own any liquid eyeshadows?
And what are your favorite Max Factor products? They seem to have quite some gems!

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