New In Beauty June 2018 – 10 years Cult Beauty

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Do you like premade pick and mix bags? We had that at a fair recently, when you could choose your bag, but not what was inside.

My daughter was all over it, while I was a little more hesitant. I mean, what is the point in pick and mix when you don´t get to pick?


New In Beauty June 2018
New In Beauty June 2018


She loved the thrill though, carefully going through her purchase, eating her favorites and offering the ones that didn´t appeal to her to her little brother. Who, admittedly, would eat just about anything.

Side note: I of course supervised and stopped him from eating the licorice. Mr. Loca was very happy to step in and take one for the team here.

It kind of reminded me about how I feel when I receive a Gift with Purchase, excitedly dividing things to keep from things to give away. And, among all that, discovering makeup items I hadn´t even heard about before.

This time it was the Lime Crime Velvetine Red Velvet Liquid Lipstick.


Before I get into the review, I will quickly list everything else I purchased and received underneath.


Oskia Renaissance Cleansing Gel (more Oskia reviews here, here and here)
Oskia Renaissance Perfect Cleanser
Indie Lee Brightening Cleanser
Indie Lee Blemish Lotion
The Ordinary Buffet (Review)
Caolion Hot & Cool Pore Foam Cleansing Duo


Inside the bag

Pixi Glow Tonic (Review)
Emma Hardie Moringa Cleansing Balm
Omorovicza Queen of Hungary Face Mist (Review, other Omorovicza reviews here, here and here)
The Ordinary Hyaluronic Acid 2% + B5 (other The Ordinary Reviews here, here, here, here and here)
Huda Beauty Mauve Obsessions palette
Anastasia Beverly Hills Glow Kit Sun Dipped
Zoeva Cat Eye Pen Eyeliner
BECCA Backlight Priming Filter
Beautyblender Nude

But lets talk about the lipstick a little more


Lime Crime Velvetines Red Velvet
Lime Crime Velvetines Red Velvet


Lime Crime Matte Velvetines in “Red Velvet” (2,6 ml, 20 $ here)


The claims

Richly pigmented, French vanilla-infused formula glides on as a liquid and dries down to a luxurious, velvety matte finish that lasts for hours and hours.

Touch proof, kiss-proof and utterly addictive.


Lime Crime Velvetines Red Velvet
Lime Crime Velvetines Red Velvet


My thoughts

I have no expertise on liquid lipsticks, I rarely wear them. But while I love the color of this specific version, I am not sold on the formula.

As you can see in the video it does transfer, at least for the first ten minutes, and while it is comfortable to wear on moisturized lips, it has a tendency to start disappearing on the inside of my lips after three hours. Not a great look, especially with the outer part still being a vibrant matte red.

You can touch it up without cracking or peeling, but I´d expect more staying power than that.


Lime Crime Velvetines Red Velvet
Lime Crime Velvetines Red Velvet


On the other hand so many people complimented me on my lipstick when I wore it in last weeks video, I am still tempted to keep it.


Lime Crime Velvetines Red Velvet
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