Viewing posts in: Mature Skin

Why I don’t run – at least not at the moment

This was supposed to be a blogpost about running. I had it all planned out: How to get motivated, how to build your stamina, which gadgets or apps to use… See, it all started earlier this year. I had been working out pretty consistently over the last months and was really seeing the results. I was actually happy with my body, getting toned and fit. All I wanted was to be a tad bit leaner, just a tiny bit, while continuing to eat all the food obviously. And to achieve…

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Caudalie Vinopure Blemish Control Infusion Serum – Two birds, one stone

Multitasking –  I have talked about that numerous times before. It just seems to be a recurrent thing in my life, albeit not always a successful one. Just the other day, running on 1.5 hours of sleep, I tried to multitask feeding the cat and preparing my sons breakfast at the same time.     Well… let’s just put it that way: My son would eat about anything I serve him, the cat is much more picky. Good thing I served the cat first and could quickly switch bowls before…

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How to update your skincare routine for fall

This blog post contains *PR-Samples and uses affiliate links. Please read disclaimer. The weather in Germany took the transition to fall very seriously. Within 24 hours we went from 32 °C and sun to heavy rain, wind and mornings with 6 °C. Needless to say I was busy changing summer bedding to thick duvets, frantically searching for the kids rain boots and getting my skincare routine in order.     Yes, I updated my skincare routine before I even updated my wardrobe (I still have my boots stored away), because #priorities.…

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Monthly Recap – Blog post topics September 2018

Another Monthly Recap post so soon? Well, the last one (read here) was two weeks late and I don´t like not sticking to my self-inflicted schedule Yes, I know I could just have adapted the schedule, but that is not how I do things.     Anyway, September saw me back to work and, I am not going to lie,  struggling. The problem with being on holiday is that you are away. Which is totally the point, I get it, but leaves so much stuff waiting for you once you return,…

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Caudalie Vinopure Clear Skin Purifying Toner – Double Check

This blog post contains affiliate links. Please read disclaimer. Due to the fact that I do my blog post research half German, half English, things can get a bit confusing. Different regulations depending on whether you are in Europe or in the US, different formulations of your favorite products, even slightly different names which makes SEO a nightmare –  I have seen it all.     But when I did my research for the Caudalie Vinopure Clear Skin Purifying Toner, I had to double check, because the German website read……

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My favorite face masks – for the moment

This blog post contains *PR-Samples and affiliate links. Please read disclaimer A beauty lovers heart is fickle, and what is deeply loved one month might be gathering dust just a few weeks later. Believe me, I have been there!     But there are a few items that stay with us for longer, products we reach for over and over again, and now that fall is around the corner and I get the urge to pamper myself, I figured it would be a great time to share my favorite face masks.…

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Anti-aging – More than just a word?

A little over a year ago, Allure Magazine decided to ditch the term anti-aging.     In their September 2017 issue (featuring the gorgeous Helen Mirren on the cover) they stated: “This issue is the long-awaited, utterly necessary celebration of growing into your own skin — wrinkles and all. No one is suggesting giving up retinol. But changing the way we think about aging starts with changing the way we talk about aging. With that in mind, and starting with this issue, we are making a resolution to stop using…

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The Ordinary Hyaluronic Acid 2 % + B5 – #firstworldproblems

This blog post contains affiliate links. Please read disclaimer. Is the “feels” side of a product important to you? Or is the sensual experience secondary, as long as a product delivers? And isn´t even asking this question the epitome of #firstworldproblems? I guess it is. If a product delivers ingredientwise, shouldn´t that be the only thing that matters? Why would we spend more just to have a more pleasant experience when applying something?     A question I do ask myself quite often when it comes to The Ordinary products, and one…

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5 hacks for oily skin (that are not skincare)

Oily skin – my biggest issue ever since I was 13 years old. Well, that and acne. And the question why my thighs looked thick in pencil skirts. And why I always seem to fall for the bad guy. But not todays topic, Anne, get back on track! Over the years I have tried countless things to keep my skin balanced, from the “harsh foaming cleanser followed by alcohol toner” routine to several kitchen hacks the friend of a friend (of a friend) had amazing results with.     You Tube wasn´t a thing back then, which…

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Monthly Recap: August 2018

Times are busy, and I feel like they get busier every day. Catching up with my favorite blogs daily is something I haven´t been able to do in a long while, and as I figured you are probably in the same boat, I decided to introduce the Monthly Recap series. It is meant to be an overview of all the blog posts I have written, all the videos I have uploaded and a few extra informations thrown in for good measure. To make it easier to find what you are interested in I split…

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