Taking out the trash VIII – August 2016 Empties

I know, I know. It is September. Actually the first week of September is already over, but I had to reschedule due to vlogging. And how could you trash a „Taking out the trash“-post?



Taking out the trash VIII - August 2016 Empties


So here you go, my August 2016 Empties, which include a lot of skincare and also a lot of me ranting about skincare claims and marketing.


Please watch in HD and on YouTube for the ultimate experience.

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Products mentioned

Batiste Dry Shampoo
Aurelia Probiotic Skincare Miracle Cleanser (Review)
CelluCur Cleansing Foam (* PR-Sample) (Review)
bareMinerals Active Cell Renewal Night Serum (Review)
Balea Dead Sea Mask
Guardian Jeju Seaweed Face Mask
Guardian Fermented Stem Cell Face Mask
Global Beauty Care Vitamin C Spa Treatment Mask
OPI RapiDry Top Coat
line n grow Tinted Lash Enhancer (Review)


Have you tried anything yourself?

And can you relate to my rant?


If you want to read more about skincare, please check out the „Skincare Reviews“ category in the side bar.
If you want to read more about makeup, please check out the „Makeup Reviews“ category in the side bar.
This post may contain affiliate links. All opinions are honest and my own.


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