I always figured I was of the impatient kind. And that nothing in the world could ever change that.
As someone that was used to grasping new things quickly, I never really had the patience to sit down and try long and hard. That almost broke my neck in medical school, as some of the topics required me to just do things repeatedly until I had memorized them by heart – a concept that to this day doesn´t agree with me.

That is just the way it is, I told myself. I will lead a long, happy and impatient life.
And only get average grades at med school.
Last week taught me different. I realized that, in the right circumstances, I am the most patient person in the world.
Because last week day care was closed and I couldn’t take time off work. So I came up with the brilliant plan to work from home.
Yes, you may laugh.
How hard could it be, I figured, the kids would play among themselves, I´d take quick breaks to change a nappy or offer some snacks and make up for that time lost by not having to commute to and from work. Or do the day care drop-off.

And because I like to be prepared, I used my lunch break on Monday for a quick trip to Aldi, to get some CDs featuring „Bibi & Tina“ or „Frozen“ stories. Little did I know that I was shoveling my own grave there.
Did you know that „Frozen“ is almost a musical? You probably do if you have kids. So with one kid singing out of tune, but very loudly and the other one pretending to be a fire fighter (just the sirens) I spend my day answering mails in 36 degree heat. For the first two days I was constantly close to a meltdown.
But then I remembered my yoga practice. And surrendered.
I worked in the mornings, getting up at five am, and in the evenings after their bed time. I learned all the Frozen songs by heart to sing along. I even did some DIY with things we collected from out own garden.
And I put noise cancelling head phones on my shopping list for the next time I need to work from home.