The Birthday Tag – LLL Vlogs 34

Do birthdays in your family also come in multiples?

We have seven  to celebrate from February 7th to March 12th, then months with only a few sprinkled in, and then again four within three weeks time starting October.

Needless to say that birthdays and party planning are keeping me occupied right now. Mine has come and gone, with no celebration due to the fact that I was a) sick and b) turning 39, which didn’t feel like a huge milestone.


The Birthday Tag
The Birthday Tag


Next up is my daughters, she will be four tomorrow. Seriously, I cannot believe how time flies, it feels like yesterday when she was born. Heck, it feels like yesterday when I was crying on my living room floor because my then ob-gyn had told me I was most likely never going to get pregnant.


Turns out she was wrong, and I could have saved me a lot of heartache by asking for a second opinion back then, but these are times passed and I need to focus on the task at hand.


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And that task is planning a kids birthday party. It will be the first party my daughter has, the first one where she got to pick which friends she wanted to invite (four were allowed, one for each year, to help me stay sane) and has some say in food choices and decoration.

And decor is what I fear the most. The cake will be easy (Marble cake with both smarties and gummy bears as decoration by her request), but as someone that has neither patience nor talent for decoration and DIYs, I am stuck browsing Pinterest for inspiration. The things there look so easy and pretty, but I doubt I will be able to do anything other than maybe tie balloons to the door (see here).

And not only that, those kids will want to be entertained! I mean, just imagine how much energy they will have after eating chocolate and gummy bears and smarties all in one piece of cake? Going outdoors is not really an option, as it is freezing right now, but I might throw a treasure hunt in our back yard in just to help me clear my head.

Anyway, I am rambling now while I should be glueing glitter to something, so please send me positive thoughts tomorrow and I will see you on the other side!


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