Winter Morning Skincare Routine 2017

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I would consider myself a morning person. Getting up early, the day at my hands and full of adventure feels amazing.

Of course „morning“ starts when it gets bright and light outside, and here, dear reader, I am facing a problem. Because now, the longest night of the year only a few sleeps away, it doesn’t get bright and light until around 8 am. And by that time I have been up at least two hours already.


My Morning Skincare Routine Winter 2017
My Winter Morning Skincare Routine 2017


So in order to make me crawl out of bed and function without hurting someone, I need something to look forward to. Something soothing, gently refreshing…

Something like my Winter Morning Skincare Routine.

All fresh and bright-eyed I will show you products and how to apply them in the following video (watch on You Tube and in HD). But for extra convenience I have listed the individual steps below as well.

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Yes, I do believe in cleansing my face twice a day. My skin is oily and acne prone, and to gently remove the sebum and bacteria makes a huge difference. Sunday Riley Ceramic Slip (Review), though a clay based cleanser, works just fine for me without being too drying.



Gentle chemical exfoliants, albeit used every other day instead of daily, are another key step in my routine. If I am not using a salicylic acid, Sunday Riley Good Genes (Review) is my acid of choice. Yes, it reeks of rotten milk, but that is the price you pay for an unfragranced lactic acid product, and it is one I gladly pay, given how much I love its effect.



Just a year ago, a face mist was something I considered frivolous. Little did I know that once 2017 would be nearing its end, I´d have two in my rotation. In the mornings. But here I am, misting my face first with the The Body Shop Vitamin E Face Mist (Review) and then, after my serum, with the Caudalie Grape Water (Review). Misting my face helps the products applied afterwards sink in more easily and both add a nice layer of hydration without suffocating my skin.



Two on rotation, depending whether or not I did exfoliate that day. If I did, like in this video, the M. Asam Vitamin E Skin Smoothing Serum* is applied. Vitamin E helps fight hyper pigmentation, adds hydration, all while being very gentle.

On days without exfoliation, the Instytutum Serum*, which I have raved about here already, is the one I choose. It contains Vitamin C and niacinamide, again amazing against hyper pigmentation, but paired with exfoliation sometimes a tad too much for my skin in winter.



The cream that keeps on giving, such seems to be the nature of my Lacura Gentle eyecream. I have used it in the summer, excited about the added SPF it offered, and still happily reach for it in the winter time as it is lightweight and sits well under makeup.



Known to shun moisturizer in the summertime, I reach for lightweight formulas in the winter, just to lock in the moisture I have so carefully layered on my skin. I am still not picky as long as it doesn’t leave my face greasy and happily test my way through different options. Latest on the menu is the REN Vitality Pure Youth Cream, a sample size that fulfills all my needs without actually exciting me. Another one, pretty new in my stash, is the La Roche Posay Redermic C , but I have only used it occasionally so far and can’t share my thoughts on it yet.


And there you go, this is what gets me going in the morning, despite the cold and dark I need to face when leaving my comfortable bed. How has your routine changed?


Winter Morning Skincare Routine for oily, dehydrated and acne prone skin
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P.S.: Don´t miss out on my Instytutum giveaway here!





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