Viewing posts in: Review

Firm skin – Everything you need to know

This post contains *PR-Samples and affiliate links. For more info please read disclaimer. In a world where science based blogs pop up right left and center, I want to draw attention to an aphorism that, albeit in different form, has been around for as long as 300 BCE: “Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.” Or, put more simple: Just because we don´t have proof that something works, that doesn´t mean that it doesn´t work. Maybe we just don´t have the research to back it up.     Especially…

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Doctor Duve Glowskin Daily Resurfacing Pads – Sudden insights

  This blog post contains PR-Samples and affiliate links. Please see disclaimer. When writing this review, I had a sudden insight. One that proves (once again) that the ones we lie to the most are we ourselves. One that has as much impact as the sudden thought: “I am older now than my mother was when she had me!” Startled much? Don´t worry, it wears off. I am ten years older than my mother was when she gave birth to me.     You see, when I review a product,…

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#pixipretties – Review, tutorial and swatches

This blog post contains PR-Samples and affiliate links. Please see disclaimer. I feel pretty, oh so pretty, I feel pretty and witty and bright… Are you familiar with West Side Story? It is, I have to admit, one of the few musicals I care about. This and Lion King. Everything else, think Starlight Express or Cats, are totally lost on me. But back to the song. I heard it when I was 13 and never was able to get it out of my mind. Not because it is a masterpiece…

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Tata Harper Purifying Cleanser

Let me take you way back in time, when we had only one continent, mammoths would roam the fields of grass and I was a little girl just turned 13. It was the night after a long and exhausting week at school (ha, little did I know!) and I had decided, all mature and grown up, that I would run a bath for relaxation. And because I was lacking the fancy salts and scented candles I had glimpsed on tv (I told you it was long ago), I grabbed the…

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klairs Freshly Juiced Vitamin E mask – Summer Sins

Nothing beats a week or two away from the office, better yet away from home. Or, at best, out of the country, at the sea side, enjoying sand, sun and surf. Have I told you that I did surf, many years ago, on the Australian shore? Not riding big waves surf though, more desperately trying to stay above the water surf, but still. I felt like a real surfer chick back then, sun burnt nose and salty hair included.     If I happened to have a sun burnt nose…

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Instytutum Ultimate Anti-Wrinkle Brightening Eye Cream – Being pleasant

A few weeks ago someone saw me and my daughter and told me to raise her “to be a pleasant young lady”. Now getting unwanted parental advice from strangers is something you quickly grow used to when having kids, but this one got me thinking: You see, there are many concerns I have in raising both my kids, but making them “pleasant” is not among them.     Independent, caring, strong, well-mannered, thoughtful, educated… So many adjectives come to mind, but pleasant? I think I don´t even associate pleasant with…

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Makeup Forever Smoky Lash Mascara – Kate Moss

A long time before Kate Moss became the icon she is today, she was famous for a different look. And a different lifestyle, but that is a whole other story. Her look was topic of heated discussion, it was called the “heroin chic”, basically because the models looked like they were drug addicts with dark, smudged eye makeup, pale faces and very (very!) thin, androgynous bodies. Artistic expression versus healthy body image, Kate Moss versus Claudia Schiffer, the discussion took over print media and school break chat, and I, starting…

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Taking out the trash XIII – My September 2017 Empties

I never publicly declared I was on a spending ban. Oh wait, that isn´t entirely true. I did in the first year of blogging, when I had gone on maternity leave and that, albeit paid for, was way less than the income I had beforehand. See, before that we lived the life of Double-Income-No-Kids and the amount of money I was able to spend on makeup and skincare was immense.     After approximately a year of not buying much stuff, I realized that my stash was still overflowing. And…

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Omorovicza Cleansing Foam – Just one sentence

Have you ever met someone, got along really well and then, all of a sudden, they opened their mouth and said just one sentence that ruined everything? I guess we all had that on a date, but it does happen absolutely everywhere.     To me it happened recently when reading a review. A review on the Omorovicza Cleansing Foam. The blog was a nice one, clean layout, structured approach, focus on the ingredients, and the more I read, the more I thought: Could that be one of my new…

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pixi Vitamin Wakeup Mist – Zoats

I like to think that I eat fairly healthy. Yes, I do have a sweet tooth and while having fruits is not an issue, I have to pay attention to not skip my leafy greens too often. Replacing your carbs for greens isn´t a new trend, and I think everyone has at least tried things like Zoodles once. Admittedly they aren´t as bad as I thought they would be, just add a lot of pasta sauce and heaps of parmesan and you are good to go, but I don´t think…

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